#ArtisticVisionPGH Q&A With HollyHood


This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Our first contributor is HollyHood who will be performing at the Silent Auction.     Name: HollyHood Website: www.hollyhood156.com Twitter: @HollyHood156 How old were you when you first had to wear glasses? 30 – sometimes my […]

Artistic Vision Pgh Focuses on Eye Health of Local Artists

Artistic Vision Pgh

I was quite pleased a few weeks ago when Nina with Most Wanted Fine Art approached me to participate in an art project. The concept is very close to my heart – participating artists are lending their skills to support the eye health of local artists. MWFA is teaming up with Penn Avenue Eyewear for […]

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents Joins Call for Inclusion of Trans Women at Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival

  Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents (PghLesbian) has joined the growing number of organizations and media outlets supporting a petition for the inclusion of transgender women in the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival (MichFest) The petition organized by Equality Michigan has garnered the support of multiple national LGBT organizations. PghLesbian joins The Bilerico Project, BiCast, and The TransAdvocate […]

Plaintiff in PA Marriage Equality Lawsuit, Fredia Hurdle, Dies at Age 50

Fredia Hurdle

  Fredia Hurdle is remembered as a force of nature by her family and friends in the aftermath of her death on Thursday, August 7, 2014. She is known for her role as a plaintiff in the landmark case that brought marriage equality to Pennsylvania (Whitewood, et al v Wolf, et al) where she and […]

Retrospective: August 8

Today was a busy day. I had a sick dog, an elderly cat who is possibly senile and a slew of perfectly healthy but seemingly irritated other pets clamoring for food, attention and other things ALL DAY LONG. Plus, work. Plus, more work. Plus, laundry and freezing blueberries from the CSA and wrapping up a […]

If Kevin Acklin Had Lunch at Bistro-to-Go

Nikki Heckman

Tell us about a time you made a false assumption about a person or a place — how did they prove you wrong? I have a few stories in the vein. First, there was Kevin Acklin.  I wrote this in 2009 when Kevin submitted a guest blog post. My first encounter with Kevin was at the January 10, […]

ROY G BIV is a Friend of Mine

Mnemonic Device

When was the last time you experienced writer’s block? What do you think brought it about — and how did you dig your way out of it? What do you think of when I say the term “mnemonic device”? My most recent bout of writer’s block hit me last week, “write” after Ledcat left for her […]

Being a Fan of the Steelers is a Preference, Being a Lesbian is Not

Eric Waters

It is 2014. There is simply no excuse for a college educated 23-year-old man like Eric Waters to use the phrase “sexual preference” unless he is being a snide bigot. Period. I’m referring to a Tribune Review interview in which Waters talks disrespectful trash about his college roommate, Michael Sam – the first openly gay […]

Watch This Terrific Documentary on PBS This Week

Grace Lee Boggs

Over the weekend, I was introduced to Grace Lee Boggs who is a 99-year-old Chinese American activist deeply enmeshed in the fabric of Detroit. I learned about Grace from a reference on Bitch Media to a free documentary streaming on PBS (through Thursday July 30) “The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs.” Grace’s story is an […]

Pgh City Council Votes to Update Trans Non-Discrimination Protections

  Something very interesting took place in Pittsburgh City Council today – they directly addressed a matter of transgender municipal equality for the first time in history. The issue is non-discrimination which Pittsburgh City Council first took up as far back as the late 1980’s. In 1990, the City amended the Human Relations Ordinance to […]