Bullies and The Steeler Nation


Bisexuality In The News, New Group Forms in Pittsburgh

Bisexual Umbrella

  March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month. There have been several important media pieces lately that might interest you. Chronologically: New York Times piece “The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists” which has some troubling elements A response piece on Autostraddle which delves into those elements “The Journalistic Quest to Write an Accurate Story About […]

Is There a 2.5 Wave Feminism?

This is a random thought that’s been going through my mind for about ten years or so – I guess concurrent with my work as a queer activist.   I was born in 1970 so I was raised with Second Wave Feminism influences, but not really penetrating my world – I had no feminists in […]

Small Update: Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson

C.d. Kirven

Earlier this week, LGBTQ folks and allies across Texas gathered in vigil for the two women and solidarity with one another. From LoneStarQ GetEQUAL TX’s Cd Kirven, who organized the vigils, told those who gathered in Dallas that she wanted to hold LGBT-affirming memorials to honor how the couple lived. At a family-organized vigil in […]

When I Wish Upon a Well

wishing well

Have you ever tossed a coin or two into a fountain and made a wish? Did it come true? Yes, I have. But I cannot recall the wishes. I can’t remember that last time that I came across a wishing well. So I’m sharing a parody of a song that has a line “I made […]

Updated: This is Why It’s Okay to Ask Mayor Peduto Questions

If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been asking around to determine if the Peduto Administration has hired any openly LGBTQ people into a supervisory/leadership role or appointed to a commission/task force. Radio silence. No one will comment on the record. I’ve had quite a few off the record […]

Five Things People Say To Social Workers

social work

Today is World Social Work Day. I received my MSW after blood, sweat and tears in April of 2000. And since that day when someone asks me what I do, I have typically responded “I’m a social worker” rather than using my actual job title. I do this because I am proud to be part […]

TX Statewide Prayer Vigils for Crystal Jackson, Britney Cosby This Weds

via Lone Star Q

Father of Murdered Woman Arrested in Connection With Deaths of Houston Lesbian Couple

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

In a shocking turn of events, the father of Britney Cosby was arrested today on charges related to the murder of Cosby and her girlfriend, Crystal Jackson.  The bodies of the women were found near a dumpster in Galveston. From the Houston ABC affiliate KTRK: Galveston county investigators arrested James Larry Cosby, 46, Thursday morning. […]

Britney Cosby, Crystal Jackson – Their Lives As Queer Women of Color Mattered

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

The tragic murders of 24-year-old lesbian couple Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson continues to unfold with few leads. The police are circulating a sketch and believe that the women were killed and their bodies moved to the spot where they were discovered, next to a dumpster in Galveston, Texas. There’s no indication if this crime […]