Go Beyond

Catching fire Arena Map

The Prompt: Confucius said, “To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.” Do you agree? Setting aside my previous discourse on quotes without context, I’m going to give this a good faith try. I’m reminded of doing the long jump in high school track – you need to hit your mark. Or playing […]

The Artist Bitch Brings BEACH to Pgh for One Night Only

Friday evening, Pittsburgh native Karen Mould known professionally as Bitch will perform one show only at Club Cafe, fronting her new concept BEACH. You can buy tickets for the 7 PM performance of her show (doors at 6) online. When Opus One Productions first hinted that Bitch was bringing a new concept to Pittsburgh, I […]

Resources for Winter Months

Holiday gifts for free

Because I cover so many human service and social service agency topics, I receive a lot of “hits” from people searching for supports. I’m a little surprised how eary they are starting for the winter/holiday season and a lot sad about that. If you have email, it is a really good idea to get on […]

Malcolm X and Blogher

The Prompt: Malcolm X said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” Discuss. My first thought was that as a middle class white woman, I needed to get more context on this quote before wading in. I did read Malcolm X in college so I had a sense that this quote wouldn’t be […]

UPDATED: Dear Pittsburgh Pirates

Pittsburgh, Pirates, Spirit Day

You rock. All those ignorant haters posting craptastic garbage on your Facebook page today simply because you threw up some purple are the EXACT REASON why we need you and all of the other teams to stand proud as allies. Consider this, haters. In 2011, the Pirates released this video, one of the first teams […]

Social Media Presentation

As you may know, I offer “social media support” to local non-profits, small business and individuals – technically, I’m a consultant, but I consider myself more of a hand-holder/tutor. I’ve done everything from teach someone how to use Twitter to develop social media strategies. So, hey, give me a call if you need someone to […]

Follow Up on the Vigil for Omar Islam

Omar Islam, murder

I was unable to attend the vigil last night because I’m sick and I regret that quite a bit. So I’ve pieced together reports on the vigil. My understanding is that this is not a hate crime, there was no motive connected to Omar as an individual or who he was – he was just […]

Vigil Tues for Omar Islam

UPDATE here. Another tragic death, the very same day the community gathered to protest a beating. A terrible loss of a man over a robbery. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. WHAT: Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force (PATF), along with CW Price, Garden of Peace Project, Pittsburgh Ballroom Community, Project Silk, and True T […]

Violence Against LGBTQ People

Photos from LGBTQ Rally in Lawrenceville

I’m still working on my write-up of the rally itself – I hope to have some constructive, next-step news early this week. In the meantime, you can take a look at the photo I took at the rally. Click on this photo to go to the entire album.