Feminism and trans rights are compatible

More than 400 feminist authors, bloggers and academics have signed onto a campaign to speak out against transphobia and attacks on transgender people by other feminists. (Update: More than 500 people have now signed, as of the afternoon of Sept. 19.) “A Statement of Trans-Inclusive Feminism and Womanism” is signed by people from all corners […]

Evgeni Malkin Has Every Reason to Not Tell Us What He Thinks About LGBTQ Issues

This from Sports Illustrated. The Penguins’ Evgeni Malkin, arguably the biggest star who is not yet on the record, managed to skirt the issue, saying he didn’t feel comfortable discussing the topic because English isn’t his primary language. It made for a lousy dodge. After all, it doesn’t take a nuanced understanding to say “Yes, […]

Letter to the Editor: Chick-fil-A Is Where We Took Our Stand

Seriously, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this in the Post-Gazette letters to the editor: The people of this region spoke loud and clear of how they feel about gay marriage when we supported Chick-fil-A and stood in line for hours and wrapped around the building several times. The people […]

Vince Gill 2, Westboro Baptist Church 0

You may have heard that county singer Vince Gill went out to “see hate” when the WBC showed up at his recent concert to protest the fact that he and his wife, Amy Grant, are both divorced. Ahem. Gill was pretty amusing. So score 1 to him.     Then there’s this. It is possibly […]

Would a Domestic Partnership Interfere with a Civil Marriage?

So I continue to wait for someone to remedy the situation with the City of Pittsburgh, I had an interesting thought. FTR, we are now up to three members of Council, a staffer with the Mayor’s office, the ACLU and the Women’s Law Project all trying to find out what happened to the affidavits. Your […]

Here’s What We Need To Do About HB 300

From the  City Paper (excellent analysis btw):   But the bill might at least get a hearing — and that “is critically important,” Sims says. “We haven’t had people testifying before us about the impact of discrimination, saying, ‘You’re telling me I’ve lived and worked here my whole life, but I’m not treated equally?’” Metcalfe […]

Disney Princesses for Equal Pay

Has the City of Pittsburgh Lost The Domestic Partner Registry?

What a ridiculous question. How can you lose a registry? So a few days ago, we were informed that we have less than 5 weeks to comply with an “employee dependent verification” audit conducted by a third party contracted through the City (City Council and the Mayor approved of this, unanimously.) These audits are used […]

For a Good Feeling …

Go to the GLCC on youth night with donations. You never met such a gracious group of young folks eager to help unload AND share with each other. Things to donate School supplies Hygeine products Snacks Socks, gloves, hats Board games Craft supplies It will definitely lift your spirits. And do good.

Two Russian Women Athletes Kiss On Podium

Under the actual category of “You Go Girl” comes this great photo from Russian of two Russian women runners, Kseniya Ryzhova and Tatyana Firova, kissing as they were awarded their gold medals at the Track and Field World Championships on Saturday at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. According to The New Civil Rights Movement, a same-sex kiss is […]