Pennsylvania: The Battle Ground for Marriage Equality And Where I Happen To Live

“It must be exciting living in Pennsylvania,” she typed via Facebook. “There’s something new every day.” She is, of course, referring to our unexpected status as an epicenter for the marriage equality struggle. The ACLU has taken the Commonwealth to federal court over marriage equality.  The State Attorney General won’t defend the lawsuit because she […]

Time lapse video of Knit the Bridge installation

Infographic: The Anti-Gay World via BuzzFeed

via BuzzFeed 

LGBTQ Family Law in PA “Total Chaos” Plus Advice from Dear Abby

From the Post-Gazette An audience member asked whether it was true that same-sex couples could file a joint return in a state like Massachusetts but couldn’t do so in Pennsylvania. The panel uniformly answered yes. “It’s total chaos,” said Tiffany Palmer of Jerner & Palmer. Whether to get married and where involves an individual analysis for each […]

This Is Why the GLCC Matters to Pittsburgh

A terrible story from Jamaica via the AP in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica — Dwayne Jones was relentlessly teased in high school for being effeminate until he dropped out. His father not only kicked him out of the house at the age of 14 but also helped jeering neighbors push the youngster from the rough Jamaican slum where he […]

Statement from George Takei on Russia and the Olympics

This caught  my eye via Maybe Its Just Me. Takei is calling for the Olympics to be moved to another nation. What are your thoughts? August 6, 2013by George Takei It’s been bubbling for some time, but the controversy over Russia’s draconian “gay propaganda” law has now boiled over. Last week, Russia’s Sports Minister confirmed […]

Preliminary Thoughts About Russia, the Olympics and Pittsburgh

As you may know, there is a huge controversy brewing over the February 2014 Winter Olympics which are scheduled to be held in the Sochi region in Russia. Like Beijing and other host cities, Russia’s human rights violations are under intense scrutiny – most notably their brutal crackdown on ‘homosexual propaganda.’ First, the law itself […]

Do PA Mayors Performing Marriage Have Ethical Responsibilities Regarding the Legal Status of LGBTQ Couples?

marriage pennsylvania

As I read about Braddock Mayor John Fetterman performing a wedding ceremony for two gay men from Regent Square, I had mixed reactions. On the one hand, it is an act of civil disobedience designed to create a more equal society and I support that step. But on the other hand, it puts an LGBTQ […]

The Post-Gazette And KDKA Both Need GBF’s Pronto!

I’m pretty disgusted over this. I don’t even really care that the PG will probably never again call me for a story. I should read more magazines anyway. When I read this article about non-discrimination legislation in Pennsylvania, I was pleased with how thorough the reporter was – she covered personal stories, recent court cases, […]

What Does Blogging for Justice Accomplish?

I’ve been strangely ambivalent about the #PghBlog4Justice project and unable to put my finger on why. I’ve been part of more than a dozen different blog events over the past years and typically enjoy a group think approach to a topic. Maybe its because to my knowledge there are no people of color participating? I […]