Same Sex Divorce in Pennsylvania

As we’ve discussed before, it is not possible for a same sex couple legally wed in another state to get a divorced in Pennsylvania. Since divorce usually requires residency, their options are to remain married until the situation changes or to move to another state, establish residency and file for a divorce in that place. […]

Happy Marriage Equality to Delaware!

We are spending a week in Delaware with some friends and have the joy to be here on the first day for marriage equality. Marriage equality is legal in Delaware today. “State Sen. Karen Peterson and her partner Vikki Bandy signed the marriage certificate to become the first legally married same-sex couple in the state.” […]

“God Hates Jags” Pittsburgh Allies Stand Up To Westboro Baptist Church

God Hates Fags

Pittsburgh based comedian Davon Magwood has caught the attention of professional haters Westboro Baptist Church who allege they will picket his August 10 performance at the Club Cafe in Pittsburgh. Magwood an ally and self-professed “fan” of the LGBTQ community loathes the WBC for their treatment of his friends so when an opportunity to poke […]

#TestMe: LGBT and Ally Bloggers, Activists Launch Digital Initiative to Encourage HIV Testing June 27

This year’s LGBT Connect Session at Netroots Nation has come up with a solid way to come together and promote HIV testing. On Thursday, June 27, you can get tested at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh from 6-9 PM. For information on where to get tested locally, check out these resources Pittsburgh […]

Pgh Interfaith Prayer Vigil Set for SCOTUS Decisions on Marriage Equality

Rev. Janet McCune Edwards, PhD invites you to join her in a prayer vigil next week. Upon the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage (or Not)  Interfaith Prayer Vigil Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7 pm Sixth Presbyterian Church 1688 Murray Ave. in Squirrel Hill Unless an exception is made, the Supreme Court of the United States […]

Pittsburgh PrideFest 2014 and Beyond: Five Things to Consider

We were on 5th Avenue at 11 AM to line up for the Pride Awareness March and hung in until the very end of the day, trekking our way back to our car after 6. The march was terrific – we ended up at the bend where 5th turns into Liberty and so we had […]

Sue Will Be Guest on Essential Pittsburgh Discussing Pridefest Today

I’ll be on the WESA 90.5 daily talk show “Essential Pittsburgh” today along with Gary Van Horn from the Delta Foundation. Our topic is the cultural impact of pridefest on the region and inclusivity.   Pittsburgh Pride’s website quotes Richard Florida in his best-selling book on economic growth, The Rise of the Creative Class, “the most […]

Pittsburgh Dyke and Trans March

Pittsburgh is one of the few cities with a trans inclusive Dyke March – a reflection of how our unique LGBTQ community creates interesting spaces.  

“Put a Rainbow On It” – Quirky Video Explores How We Create Queer Safe Spaces

My friend Ian Awesome passed this along … the commercialization of “Pride, Inc” has always been troubling, but perhaps inevitable in our market driven society. The issues about creating false messages of safety and other deceptive practices are worth considering. It is sort of like a Mayor signing a pledge about a marriage he can’t […]

Hoping for a full circle

I’ve written before about my own struggles with organized religion and my belief in a higher power. (A saga which I should probably get around to finishing one of these days… hmm.) I don’t believe it’s necessary for you to believe in a higher power, or to belong to any organized faith. It works for […]