Blogging Because We Are Family!

I was a young girl of 8 when the Pittsburgh Pirates adopted the song “We Are Family” during their drive to win the World Series in 1979.  As a grown woman of 42 living in Pittsburgh, the song is permanently fused in my head as both an LGBTQ and sports champion anthem. Perhaps that’s fitting […]

Let’s Tax Fireworks to fund Veterans Programs in Pennsylvania

Texas has a “special tax” on fireworks to fund rural fire departments. I think that makes sense – there’s a clear connection between stupid people who intentionally set things afire and rural fire department resources. I propose a similar tax – 2% – on the sale of fireworks in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fund […]

Jen Asks YOU to Change Your Facebook/Twitter Profiles to Support LGBTQ Equality in Scouting

Jen and her son Cruz are in Texas this week, working very hard for today’s vote to lift (partially) the BSA ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders.  She asked me to ASK you to support them by changing your profile pictures. Visit the GLAAD website for all the details. Jen missed her daughter’s 8th grade […]

Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day is June 3, 2013

Once again, we’ll be participating in Blogging for LGBT Families Day, this year on Monday, June 3. Save the date! Monday, June 3, will be the 8th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, hosted right here at Mombian—but powered by your blogs! Anyone who wants to post in support of LGBT families is welcome. The event is […]

Election Day Information – Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today is the day to vote in primary elections.  Polls are open from 7 AM – 8 PM. If you are in line at 8 PM, you will get to vote. You can find your polling place at this link (Allegheny County.) Here is the information on Voter ID and Provisional Ballots. From the ACLU […]

My Big Idea for the New Mayor as Published in the Post-Gazette

I was recently asked to contribute to a compendium piece in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on “big ideas” for the next Mayor of Pittsburgh. Other contributors include economist Chris Briem, Cheryl Hall-Russell from Hill House Assocation, Jon Rubin from CMU and Leah Lizarondo of “The Brazen Kitchen” blog and more!

A Tale of Two Birthday Parties – Not All Endings Are Happy

Saturday evening, a group of friends joined Ledcat and me to celebrate her 50th birthday. We had dinner at Cambod-Ican Kitchen, a Cambodian fusion restaurant on the South Side of Pittsburgh. It is one of our favorites and we consider the owners to be very dear to us. We had champagne, we had birthday cake, […]

ACLU in PA: LGBT Same-Sex Couples Survey

If you are a same-sex couple in Pennsylvania interested in discussing your relationship publicly as part of an advocacy project for marriage equality, please consider taking this survey. Tell us your story: It is the most powerful weapon to create change. Real couples with real stories will convince America that all relationships deserve equal protection […]

You May Be Fitch to be Tied But Don’t Use Homeless People As Props

By now, you’ve read about the assinine comments from Abercrombie & Fitch about their desire to remain “pure” by not selling clothes to plus-sized people (like me!) or donate excess. God forbid poor or fat people wear their brand? It is not an appropriate response to take large amounts of “gently used” A&F clothing and […]

On Our Way to San Jose … Hurrah!

Thank you for patiently supporting my quest to earn a scholarship to the Netroots Nation 2013 Conference – We did it! Yesterday, I learned that I was awarded one of the merit scholarships from Democracy for America’s NN13 competition. Five scholarships were awarded based on social media votes (I finished in 12th place out of […]