THIS Could Be My Way to San Jose – Please Vote For My Scholarship Application

Please help me get to California for Netroots Nation 13. What? A trip to California?  San Jose is one of the greenest cities in the nation and NN was the first conference to donate tote bags all the way back in 2009. I really need to be there. And I need your vote to win […]

Pgh High School Student Bashes, Blames LGBTQ Families for Her College Rejection

There’s something to be said for bitterness fueled by the rapt audience of the Wall Street Journal. Pittsburgh student at Taylor Allderdice High School Suzy Lee Weiss is angry that she wasn’t accepted into the college of her choice and has chosen to take out her anger on … pretty much anyone who doesn’t fit […]

Changed Your Avatar? Next Step – Email Senator Casey

This post fuses two interesting themes. Did the great avatar swap on Facebook have any impact? US Senators are now coming out in support of marriage equality, 9 Democrats left.   So yes – you can demonstrate that changing your avatar had an impact, on you. How? By contacting US Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and […]

Pgh LGBTQ Vigil – The Wrong Straight Man?

More than 100 people turned out Wednesday for a vigil following the final day of argument on marriage equality before the Supreme Court. It was freezing and rainy/snowy and basically not a fun time – but it was still great. The crowd was diverse, the signs were fun and I’ll let the photos speak for […]

All the Red Equality Memes!

So I spent my day pouring through Supreme Court updates and … collecting memes as they unfolded. Memes based on the red HRC equality sign. I found over 35 versions. Check them out here.  Memes with bacon, Siracha sauce, apples, Muppets, SNL characters, and what I think is a sloth. People are very creative. Grumpy […]

Video: All the sights, sounds and emotions of the Marriage Equality Rally

Via the fabulous Mark S. King of My Fabulous Disease … impressive he had this together and posted so quickly!

Trib Letter to the Editor Reminds Us What We Face

It is difficult for me to muster up a logical response to this type of blind ignorance. But we must find a way to counter the messages of hate (yes, hate) and bad information. There is no such thing as gay sex. Sex between consenting adults is not a sin. But Albert Hancock of New […]

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

“I am certain one theme in the Monday night event will be that whatever the SCOTUS does will be only a point on the arc of justice and definitely not the end point.” Tonight, an Interfaith prayer service will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 7 PM. (Aiken and Centre in Shadyside.) Worship […]

Sexual Assault and Rape Culture Are LGBTQ Issues

Trigger Warnings – sexual assault, rape, victim-blaming Coauthored with Ian Awesome. Originally posted on HuffPo Gay Voices. The conviction of two young men for raping an unconscious young woman challenges us to rethink our assumptions about youth, the legal system and sexual assault. We are both survivors of sexual assault. In the light of media responses to […]

“Madama Butterfly” – Cultural Lessons on Respect for Women

**SPOILERS** Last night, Ledcat and I were guests of the Pittsburgh Opera for the performance of  Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly.” Congrats to Tiffany who won the two tickets (and brought her friend Becky along.) Cio-Cio San’s open heart and trusting nature are the reasons that Pinkerton should love her, and the reasons that we weep at […]