What’s in a name?

As a transgender person, I thought I’d chime in on Sue’s post about CBS-TV’s “Mike and Molly.” Maybe you’re wondering why “shemale” is unacceptable. It’s because “shemale” has almost exclusively become associated with pornographic depictions of transwomen. (Go ahead and Google “shemale” if you want to, but most of your results will not be safe […]

CBS “Mike & Molly” Uses Trans Slur on Most Recent Episode

The good news is that CBS is meeting with GLAAD to discuss the latest in their ongoing #fail when it comes to depicting LGBTQ characters on their network shows. The bad news is that its February 2013 and they are still working on this. That latest offense was a trans slur used during Monday’s Valentine’s […]

Scouting For Equality

Now is the time!! The BSA is in danger of becoming obsolete. In this ever changing society, scouting is becoming less and less relevant. WE WANT TO HELP! We love scouting and think ALL should be able to enjoy its rewards. How can I help? That is the most asked question I get. So, if you […]

Pentagons Extends Some Domestic Partner Benefits to Same Sex Families

Here’s some good news.   Army Veteran and OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson today praised outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for his decision to extend to nearly the full extent permitted under current law the benefits available to gay and lesbian service members and their families. Though Panetta’s announcement did not include a number of important […]

I Still Want Melissa McCarthy to Play ME in a Movie

In January, I was profiled on a website called 12 questions where I – you guessed it – answered 12 questions about my exciting self. It took me a long, long time to answer the question about what piece of art moved me and edit my bio. A long time. What took me less than […]

Rallies for Public Education, Transit This Week in Pittsburgh

Sunday afternoon marks the “Rally for Public Education 2013” at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty. The organizers plan to review the public education elements in the Corbett Budget and discuss the ongoing battle to preserve quality public education resources for all children. Featuring: • performances by Anne Feeney, Vanessa German, the Squirrel Hillbillies, and […]

Jen Tyrrell, Other Advocates To Deliver 1.4 Million Signatures to Boy Scouts HQ

Jen is in Dallas today and heading to New York this week to volunteer her time to push for the change to the Boy Scouts policy. She’s sending dispatches for us to post. Update: Had a great meeting last night with some of the key players in this movement! Greg Bourke (Den Leader, Ousted because […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Use of “Homosexuals” Not Helping Gay Boy Scouts

I’m fairly certain the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board is not being ironic when it opines: In facing up to its own legacy of bias, the Boy Scouts of America is considering a less than all-American remedy. After years of outside criticism and withdrawn financial support, the organization announced Monday that it might allow individual troops […]

Manager of Bar Where Alleged Queer Bashing Happened Needs to Talk With Police, Not Survivors

This caught my eye in a City Paper blog post about the recent alleged queer bashing at Margaritaville on the South Side. At least one other in the group suffered minor injuries and an employee of the bar was also injured but not hospitalized, according to Brad Rizzo, the bar’s manager, according to PLCB records. […]

Will trans* scouts and parents be protected?

Detail from a 1970 Norman Rockwell painting

Can I just say, as a former Boy Scout, that Jen rocks hard? And so do all of the other people putting pressure on the Boy Scouts? As far as I’m concerned, there have always been gay or transgendered Boy Scouts. We were the ones sewing our own sashes and pressing our own creases in […]