Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse Just Yet

Two huge national stories are almost sort of kind of breaking. Chick-fil-A has promised not to fund hate with their corporate profit. The Boy Scouts might stop requiring discrimination based on sexual orientation – it will be optional.  I am not being a smartass. I’m being deliberately skeptical because both of these organizations have stepped […]

LGBT Rally

Yesterday I bundled up and attended a rally for two women who self-described themselves as studs, and who were allegedly assaulted inside a South Side bar. The crowd that turned out was diverse, which is a good thing. I’m not naive to think that there still isn’t some separation between the black LGBT community and the white […]

Do You Hear the People Sing? Pittsburgh’s Latest LGBTQ Rally

Yesterday, we attended a rally to support survivors of an alleged assault that took place at a bar on Pittsburgh’s South Side. A small group of queer women reported that they were at Margaritaville, accosted by a group of six men and two of them were physically assaulted. Their crime? Being self-identified “studs” which they […]

Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout??

While the Boy Scout discrimination never ceases to amaze me, it seems they have a new partner is bigotry. The National Geographic Channel. The channel will air a new reality show called, you guessed it, “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?”. Nat Geo reps say the cable network is an equal-opportunity employer and that […]

Local Opinions on All Things LGBTQ in the Tribune Review

It has been awhile since we posted opinions from local “Letters to the Editor” sections … The Tribune-Review has been hopping with a back and forth discussion about marriage equality.  First, Rudy published some sort of anti-gay screed which I can’t find online. But then Jim Harger of New Kensington responds by pointing out that […]

Blog for Choice: What Other Women Taught Me

Today, January 22, is the 40th anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision which determined that women have a legal right to an abortion. Blog for Choice asked participants to share our stories.  I identified as “pro-life” during college and my early graduate school years. I marched for life, wrote letters, and prayed – so very […]

Blog for Choice Day 2013

Once again, the NARAL Pro-Choice America is sponsoring a day of blogging this time in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Rose v Wade. On January 22, 2013 – the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade– we invite pro-choice bloggers and activists to join us for the eighth annual Blog for Choice Day! Blog for Choice […]

Never Forget Ka’Sandra Wade

Today we will take a moment of silence and observe a cyber vigil to remember the first fatality victim of domestic violence in 2013 , Ka’Sandra Wade. I don’t know about all of you, but this news is tremendously upsetting to me. I cannot believe that in 2013 women still need to live in fear […]

Innocent Bystanders Suffer From Homophobia

This morning, I sent word about the Remember Her Name vigil to members of Pittsburgh City Council. One wrote back and sent me the notice that my site is still blocked by the City web filters, categorized as nudity and pornography. I explained the situation and hope perhaps that person will be of help. When retelling […]

Remember Her Name: Ka’Sandra Wade January 12, 2013

Bloggers, podcasters and social media users around the nation have devoted some portion of their Saturday to remember the name of Ka’Sandra Wade who lost her life at the hands of her ex. This is a list of participating blogs.