Her Name Was Ka’Sandra Wade. A Pittsburgh Cyber Vigil, Saturday January 12 To Remember Her Name.

We – the members of The Pittsburgh Women’s Blogging Socity – are saddened and outraged and fed up that yet another one of our sisters in Pitttsburgh has lost her life to domestic violence. 33 year old Ka’Sandra Wade – mother, employee, daughter, student and so much more – was murdered by her ex who […]


Contact: Leslie Fleisher FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cell: 412.956.9120 Email: lfleisher@persadcenter.org  PERSAD CENTER, GLSEN, AND PFLAG TO HOST SAFE SCHOOLS SUMMIT Safe Schools Summit: Bridging the Gap Between Anti-Bullying Efforts And The Experience of LGBTQ Youth PITTSBURGH, PA – January 2, 2012. Persad Center, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), and PFLAG (Parents and Friends of […]

Let’s Talk Anonymous!

If you haven’t heard of Anonymous, perhaps you’ve been living under a rock. The recent Anonymous movement #OccupyStuebenville is taking place this Saturday, January 5th, in our own backyard. It has been making national headlines and causing quite the local stir. I wanna know if you are going. I wanna hear your thoughts on the […]

Welcome To Our New Blogger – Jennifer Tyrrell

We are pleased to welcome our new guest blogger to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – Jennifer Tyrrell. As you may recall, Jennifer is an Ohio based lesbian who skyrocketed to national attention when she challenged the Boy Scouts of America about their homophobia. Like many parents, Jennifer had volunteered as a den leader and had received a […]

Rebel Who Found Her Cause

When thinking about what to write for this blog, I was faced with a decision. Do I really want people to know the “real” me?? I so often use humor and sarcasm to keep people at a “safe distance”, emotionally speaking. Do I really wanna let people “in” or should I just amuse them with […]

Put Your Money Where Your Meme Is: Support Dick’s Sporting Goods and Local Youth

Imagine if each person who has posted something about gun control in the past 6 days were to make one purchase – large or small – from Dick’s Sporting Goods? As you may know, Dick’s has suspended the sale of certain semiautomatic weapons in all of its stores and pulled all guns from the store […]

Interesting Mashup of Do They Know Its Christmas and Occupy Footage

“Kill the Gays” Bill Faces Imminent Vote in Uganda

Uganda’s much promised “Kill the Gays” bill has made its way on to the legislative agenda with the sponsor urging the legislative body to pass this bill as a “Christmas gift” to the nation.  The law will broaden the criminalization of same-sex relationships by dividing homosexuality into two categories; aggravated homosexuality and the offense of […]

Minnesota Teen Denied Confirmation; Family Denied Communion Over Marriage Equality

Lennon Cihak is 17 and lives in Minnesota. A life long Catholic, he has been preparing for his Confirmation – a sacramental rite of passage in the Church. Lennon does not identify as gay, but he did post a photo on Facebook indicating that he supports marriage equality – or at least opposed the since-then-defeated […]

How Do We Measure Christmas? The AFA Reduces the Reason for the Season to a Sign

I find it amusing when the American Family Association gets into a pantry twist about saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” … and so its a predictable giggle when they release their “Naughty and Nice” list of retailers each year. Criteria – AFA reviewed up to four areas to determine if a company was […]