Sharing Our Communities With Our Homeless Neighbors

Where and how we provide basic support to our homeless neighbor is a NIMBY battle dating back to the day of separate entrances and so forth. And the recent failure on the part of City residents to embrace their most vulnerable neighbors reflects the fact that the private safety net is a total illusion and […]

United Way in Harrisburg Will No Longer Fund Boy Scouts

This is interesting and perhaps a sign of things to come …  The United Way of the Capital Region says it will stop distributing funds to the Boy Scouts council for south-central Pennsylvania unless the group allows memberships for openly gay scouts. The charity’s board of directors on Friday voted not to renew its partnership […]

Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown: The Dinner Table Debate – Video

Here’s the video from the dinner table debate between LGBTQ columnist and activist Dan Savage and the president of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown.  

Celebrate Second Parent Adoption in PA! Ten Years!

The Chick-fil-A Post

Over a two year period, Chick-fil-A donated $5 million to organizations that have clear-cut anti-gay agendas and/or promote and honor individuals who are avowedly anti-gay by honoring them with awards, etc. Let’s be clear. These organizations have anti-gay agendas. They lobby against our rights – they fight hate crimes bills, they fight bullying programs, they […]

God Hates Fracks

Witty sign from a Marcellus Shale protest …      

Chick-Fil-A Didn’t Invent Discrimination

Trans Panel from Netroots Nation 12

I’ve intended to post this for weeks now. I did not attend because of a schedule conflict, but I think this is really worth a watch. I met Joss, Autum and Monica at the event — they are terrific people and very articulate on a variety of issues. I suspect they also get some labeling […]

Chick-Fil-A Donates (More) Money to Anti-LGBTQ Organizations

Equality Matter has the story. In 2010, in spite of intense denials that they were anti-gay Chick-Fil-A’s foundation donated $2 million to anti-LGBTQ organizations. Including known hate groups.  Hmmm. Marriage & Family Foundation: $1,188,380 Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000 National Christian Foundation: $247,500 New Mexico Christian Foundation: $54,000  Exodus International: $1,000 Family Research Council: $1,000 […]

Anderson Cooper “The fact is, I’m gay”

Journalist Anderson Cooper confirms that he is gay in a thoughtful letter to blogger Andrew Sullivan. I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. There continue to be far too […]