Allegheny County LGBT Employees Will Qualify for Domestic Partner Benefits in April

what a great idea!

Its Okay Because My Friend is Gay #FAIL

Reprinted from This morning a friend contacted me to share her disgust hat a local radio program was doing a sketch bit about “trannies” – it seems that they were guessing the biological gender of a photo array of sex workers. Yep, that’s what passes for morning entertainment in Pittsburgh. Before you ask, yes, I did contact […]

Washington Equalizes Marriage

Congratulations to our sisters and brothers in Washington State and across the land who have worked to achieve this victory. A move is already underway to put this on the ballot. I strongly urge you to watch this video of Governor Gregoire’s comments, among others. The Governor’s Comments – Good morning. Welcome! Thank you, Ed […]

NYU Freshman Takes on Chick-Fil-A

This young woman takes NYU to task for hosting an openly anti-gay corporation (Chick-Fil-A) on their campus while purporting to be pro-diversity. Can’t have it both ways. But my FAVORITE thing is this excerpt from the press release: Within a few days of launching her campaign, Dworkoski had recruited hundreds of supporters on, the world’s fastest growing […]

James Clementi, Tyler’s Brother, Speaks Out About LGBT Youth Suicide

This is from Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN. (h/t Bilerico) httpv://   It is interesting that James talks about resiliency without using that word.  It seems that we as a society have a “suck it up” mentality when it comes to bullying and it is true that kids need to learn coping skills because bullying […]

It is NOT Okay Because Your Friend is Gay …

Just a quick link to my most recent post to It is about playing the “I have gay friends” card to justify a lack of professionalism in the media.

15 New Jersey Girl Speaks OUT for Her Fathers – Go Madison

Washington is poised to legalize marriage equality. New Jersey is in hot debate over that very topic. Garden State Equality has the latest.  In the Garden State, lawmakers are working to lock down the number of votes needed to override Gov. Chris Christie’s expected veto of a bill permitting gay marriage. New Jersey Democrats believe they have […]

The Impact of Susan G. Komen Defunding Planned Parenthood on the LGBT Community

I am sad to share that many  of the LGBTQ friends identify as pro-life. Granted, I am fine with them making their own decisions and I have plenty of straight friends who also identify as pro-life. But the right to privacy that protects my body from YOUR decision-making is also the same fundamental Constitutional right […]

Cynthia Nixon is Entitled To Her Own Identity

People. Shrieking and pulling apart Cynthia Nixon’s comments about bisexuality and gay is just tiresome. Relax. The world will not end because Cynthia Nixon has experienced and reacted to biphobia within the LGBTQ community. Guess what? We are biphobic. I can name at least a dozen women I know who have made repeated disparaging comments […]

Dallastown, PA GSA Attracts Critics, Supporters for Showing “Out in the Silence”

Seems like a former schoolboard member of the Dallastown School District is up in arms over a screening of “Out In The Silence” sponsored by the Dallastown Gay Straight Alliance. Former Dallastown school board member Carroll Tignall is trying to rally concerned residents to attend because he believes the district is being “covert” in promoting […]