Ohio Gym Denies Family Membership to Gay Vet

Another example of not practicing what we preach when it comes to our vets. Coty May served and injured in Iraq. He’s back home in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio with his husband, Shane. Coty needs to use a local gym for rehab. He can’t work. Shane is his caretaker. To go to the gym with him, […]

Tell The Girl Scouts of Western PA That The LGBTQ Community & Allies Appreciate Their Support of ALL Girls – Buy ONE Extra Box of Cookies ($4.00)

I just posted the story about the 14 year old Girl Scout calling for a Girl Scout cookie boycott because the Girl Scouts permitted a transchild to enroll in a Brownie troop. So here’s my proposal. Let’s all buy ONE extra box ($4.00) and donate that box to the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of […]

Who is the Jagoff? Jumping to Conclusions about Disability Parking

Major fail on the part of the website Ya Jaoff! with regard to stereotyping people with disabilities, especially those that are considered “hidden” or “invisible.” We first met the “YaJagoff” team via Twitter. The site is a series of submissions by Pittsburgh folks who encounter quintessential examples of “jagoff” behavior. I should acknowledge that I […]

The Rainbow New Year … 2011 LGBTQ in Review

Tons of blog posts in the queersosphere about the highlights of 2011 for the LGBTQ community. Let’s start with a list from Mara Keisling, Executive Direct of The National Center for Transgender Equality. These are 14 Reasons that Made 2011 Great for Trans People.  The list includes at least 19 municipal/state actions that protect trans […]

More on Salvation Army

The New York Times has a nice piece up on the impact of educating the community about the discriminatory practices of the Salvation Army against the LGBTQ community. George Hood, a Salvation Army spokesman, said all revenue from Salvation Army thrift stores is used locally. But he said a small percentage of money dropped into […]

Ali Forney Center (NYC) Post Regarding Homeless LGBTQ Youth

This is very powerful. These young LGBTQ people experience homelessness, find themselves with nowhere to live but the streets because of rejection by their family (often fueled by religious-themed ignorance and hated) and a society that considers anyone in poverty, even more so queer, expendable. Nor do their stories conform to the traditional narrative of […]

Update on FourSquare and Facebook Responses to Gay Bashing, Sexism

Well, there’s nothing good to report Facebook has had multiple people report three separate status updates that contain the phrase “Hag Bag Headquarters welcome to whore ville (sic) all dykes welcome” but they have yet to remove the posts.  Interestingly, when I tried to do a status update about this topic, it would not let […]

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

A few months ago, a man I’ve never met (we went to same high school, several years apart) was upset because I reported him to Facebook for posting anti-gay content. I blocked him after a bit, then heard from mutal friends that he was posting negative comments about me, including being an mentally ill unstable […]


In an earlier post, I shared some recent experiences being gay bashed on the FourSquare.com website by a man I’ve never met. He established a fake venue to mock my volunteer work and described our home as “whoreville all dykes welcome.” 5 other people validated this offensive conduct by “checking in” to the site. No […]

Two Great Stories on LGBTQ Youth

Please check out these two important articles on LGBTQ youth. First, a piece in the Boston Globe about a family’s journey with their transgender daughter. It is a wonderful story about their experiences and how supportive and loving they are with Nicole. Nicole has a twin, Jonas so they’ve been an interesting contributor to medical […]