WWE Contributes Anti-Bullying PSA to GLAAD Campaign

This is exactly the message … think of the impact of your words … httpv://youtu.be/-d-8D1b5CMc

Why Do People Respond to High Profile New Coverage on Poverty …

But help comes case by case from folks who still believe in stereotypes? Point in case. 60 Minutes did a pretty intense investigation on children of families living in their cars in Central Florida. More than 16 million children are now living in poverty and, for many of them, a proper home is elusive. Some […]

Its Hard To Be a Gay

Dear Lord … try reading this story from the Post-Gazette about the battle between a dead woman’s wife and her parents for $41,000. It is like a Law & Order/Harry’s Law mashup, with a heavy dose of Vatican Court thrown in for good measure. This is where the battle over DOMA takes us … into […]

Simply Put: LGBT Folks Don’t Support Salvation Army

Bil at Bilerico has a great write up on this annual battle.  Yes, the Salvation Army does good work. But so do the Boy Scouts. Both openly discriminate against LGBTQ children and adults, including employees. Since 1986 the Salvation Army has engaged in five major assaults on the LGBT community’s civil rights and attempted to […]

DOJ Investigates Allegations of Sexual Violence in Two Western Pennsylvania Correctional Facilities

The Department of Justice has opened civil investigations into two regional state operated correctional facilities in response to allegations that they failed to protect inmate from violence and sexual violence.  In accordance with the pattern or practice provision of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), the department will investigate allegations that SCI Pittsburgh […]

No Lesbians Allowed

I sent a link to a few friends yesterday and one casually mentioned that his workplace internet filters prevented him from visiting a site with the word “lesbian” in the title (perhaps in the whole content?) Ironically, he was able to look up tribadism from that very same computer. If they only knew! I won’t […]

This is the Way to Promote Marriage Equality


Anti-Discrimination Protections in Whitemarsh Township

Congratulations to the residents, elected officials and advocates in Montgomery County’s Whitemarsh Township for establishing discrimination protections for their residents.  Springfield and Lower Merion also recently enacted such ordinances for the protections of their residents’ rights to housing, employment and public accomodation. I believe that brings the statewide total up to 18 municipalities?  Here’s a […]

What Does the Sexual Assault at Penn State Mean For Me?

Like you, I was and continue to be horrified by the revelations of the sexual abuse of minor boys and the apparent cover-up (or fail to act?) on the part of pretty much anyone with power and authority at Penn State. It has been all over the media, as you know. It is inescapable and […]