Sasha Garden, 27, is the 15th Trans Person Murdered in the US During 2018

Horrifying news out of Orange County, Florida where 27-year-old Sasha Garden is the 4th trans woman of color to be violently murdered in Florida this year. Sasha is also the 15th trans person in the United States known to die a violent death in 2018. Sasha was originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She had relocated to […]

In the Devil’s Grip and Sick of it All

I’ve had quite stretch, these past few days. After spending scores of hours covering a big story last weekend, I was not feeling so great by Tuesday. I chalked it up to stress and the ever-present allergies. By Thursday, I felt worse still as if someone had put a belt around my chest and pulled […]

Update in the Murder Investigations for the 14 Trans Neighbors Lost in 2018

Today, I learned that there’s an update in the investigation of the murder of Pittsburgh native, Phylicia Mitchell. On February 24, she was shot to death in broad daylight outside her Cleveland residence. Phylicia was a Black trans woman who had relocated to Cleveland after growing up on Pittsburgh’s Northside. She was 46 years old. The […]

Occasional Ask for Donations

Remember, my blog is not a source of income. No one covers my expenses to do all this thinking and ask these questions except me (and Ledcat). So if you are feeling the impact of the work we do, you can chip in to help us continue. You can donate directly to AMPLIFY or the […]

Anger & Disappointment: Statements From People Who Attended the Meeting with Turahn Jenkins

The compiled public statements from multiple LGBTQ folks and allies who attended the meeting Friday afternoon with candidate for District Attorney Turahn Jenkins. You can read my summary of the meeting in this post. Here I am simply signal boosting the words of the individuals who were part of the meeting. I do not have […]

Pat Benatar Rocks My Favorite Independence Day Song

Pat Benatar Martina McBride

A new-to-me version of one of the best songs, this time featuring Pat Benatar singing with Martina McBride from 2003. In Pat Benatar’s hands, I really noticed the lyric “Let the right be wrong’” which can sometimes sound like “Let the hurt be wrong” but Pat really hits that phrasing. And I need that. We […]

Is The Fourth of July the Perfect Holiday?

Perfect 4th of July

I have a half-dozen blog posts started, but lack the energy and attention to detail necessary to complete and publish that content. But I feel like lack of posting, this lag, each time I glance at the blog. So here goes something. I remember quite vividly as a child that the 4th of July would […]

I Unfriended You Because You Posted White Supremacist Nonsense and I’m Done

I have a few ‘legacy’ Facebook friends whose politics and personal statements I find difficult to understand, but whose personal actions reflect beliefs that I support. I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to maintain those relationships out of respect for my partner, family, etc. I wanted to believe that the people who do the good works are the […]

Stop the Violence McKeesport Rally Friday, 12 PM

A statement from Christian Carter’s family

You may recognize Christian from his tireless work on the frontlines of recent actions seeking #Justice4AntwonRose. On Wednesday afternoon, 18-year-old Christian was taken to a local hospital for what his mother thought was exhaustion, dehydration and malnourishment. It turns out he was having an appendicitis attack and is scheduled for immediate surgery. His family is […]