Writing Disrupts Complacency #NaBloPoMo Day One

What is your favourite part about writing? I’m rolling my eyes as I tackle this prompt. Regular readers know that I wrestle with the idea of identifying as a writer or artist or anything like that. I’ve adjusted to the idea that blogging is an art form and that blogging is a writing style. And […]

30 New Posts and Donors in 30 Days #NaBloPoMo

November is here and with it, National Bloggin Month aka NaBloPoMo In previous years, we’ve celebrated in various ways: blogging each day for NaBloPoMo (2014) co-organizing a blogging award project and blogger art exhibit (2015) bringing together political bloggers to reflect on the past ten years in blogging (2016) This year, we are going to […]

Butler Mayoral Election is Referendum Vote on Municipal NonDiscrimination Ordinance Says Local Trans Activist

“[The Nov 7 General Election] will be seen as a referendum vote [on nondiscrimination ordinances].  So, if it fails, no elected official will bring this back up anytime soon, in Butler or the surrounding area. If we get this passed, then it will show the neighboring municipality that it is not political suicide to bring this up and vote on it.”

Stephanie Montez is 22nd Transgender Person Murdered in 2017

A week after her body was discovered, friends of Stephanie Montez spoke out to make sure her authentic identity was acknowledged. The friends of Corpus Christi transgender woman Stephanie Montez were left aghast as their search for her revealed that the Sheriff had identified her as a “man in a dress” in an inexcusably transphobic […]

Pgh Art Car Founder & Artist Jason Sauer Talks About Anthony Bourdain & Pittsburgh Culture

Anthony Bourdain Pittsburgh Demolition Derby

There’s a bit of kerfuffle from some Pittsburghers about the Pittsburgh-centric episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Show ‘Parts Unknown.’  What particularly struck me about the backlash was the dismissal of the demolition derby and wrestling segments – these activities were deemed to be not representative of Pittsburgh due to their location outside of the City, the […]

The 20th Summit Against Racism Call For Proposals 2018

The Summit Against Racism, a multicultural initiative of the Black and White Reunion, is accepting workshop proposals for this year’s Summit, January 20, 2018. The theme of this year’s conference, chosen by volunteer organizers, is The Struggle Continues: Healing Trauma, Building Community, Inspiring Action. We need ideas and action to make Pittsburgh a better place for all! Please consider […]

Impact of the Closure of James St Gastropub and Speakeasy – My Opinion

Wednesday, James Street Gastropub and Speakeasy announced that they are closing permanently on November 11, 2017. You can read more details in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette piece. I’ve been reading a lot of responses on Facebook and beyond. I’m struck by the power of the clash between those who see this as a personal decision and those […]

Guest Bartender Night at James Street Tavern October 24, 5-9 PM to Benefit #AMPLIFY

Here’s how it will work. Each bartender will earn points for two things – the number of people they bring to the event and the amount of $$ they raise. They are competing among themselves and just for fun, as teams, too. Please note that the actual bartender (the one making anything not beer or […]

RIP Chuck Tierney (March 29, 1948 – Oct. 11, 2017)

Chuck Tierney

A founding father of the regional LGBTQ community has passed, Chuck Tierney. Chuck was a 1966 graduate of Munhall High School. In 1977, Chuck purchased the legendary Holiday Bar on Forbes Avenue in Oakland, along with Chuck Honse. For 40 years, the bar played host to the city’s LGBT community and kept the secrets of […]

Sue Needs Help Buying Gently Used Laptop

I need some help. My laptop is chugging along pretty slowly these days. As a blogger, I use it very heavily and beat it up. It’s heading for life support now. I have the chance to buy a gently used laptop from a friend, but I do not have the $$ on hand. I use […]