Thanks for Voting Me Best Local Blogger via the Pgh City Paper

Best Local Blogger Pittsburgh

It is such a fluke thing to be named the best of something that literally hundreds of other people do everyday right here in Pittsburgh. I don’t know what to say beyond thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for voting. Thank you for sharing our content. Thank you for supporting a blogosphere that values the voices of queer and fat and disabled female bloggers among many others.

Read all the blogs. You won’t regret it. (And read #AMPLIFY, too!)

#AMPLIFY and LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month Pittsburgh

We want to keep growing and we especially want to begin offering audio recording options to conduct interviews with community elders as well as others who have limited access to the Internet. We have connected with a lesbian owned transcription service based in Johnstown, PA, but it will still cost $125-250 per interview. That’s one reason we ask people to try to use the online form if possible.

During October, we are again crowdfunding for the project – we hope to raise $3,000 so we can schedule the audio sessions throughout the winter. The funds will be used to set up “AMPLIFY Info” sessions in the outlying counties so we can meet people & encourage them to participate as well as to set up the actual recording times. And, of course, pay for the transcription.

We’ve been invited to New Castle (Lawrence County), Johnstown (Cambria County), Bradford (McKean County), as well as Armstrong, Beaver, Butler and Clearfield counties. If you need a little encouragement, consider this story from Melanie (a Trump supporter) who lives in Washington County.

Guilty Verdict in the 2012 Assault & Shooting of Lesbian Couple in Texas

Kristene Chapa Mollie Olgin

Kristene Chapa, then 18, and girlfriend Mollie Olgin, then 19, stopped by a park on their way to see a movie on June 23, 2012. A horrifying encounter with a stranger ended with both young women sexually assaulted and shot, left for dead in that park. Olgin died of her injuries, but Kristene Chapa survived and took the stand to testify against David Strickland more than four years later.

It took the jury less than six hours to return a guilty verdict. Four years, 3 months and six hours after their horrible ordeal, there was finally some justice for Mollie and Kristene and, hopefully, some closure for Kristene.

Amplifying Black Voices as a White Woman

Part II I read a post at Absolutely Luvvie that was helpful (thank you, Luvvie) and worth sharing. The post is called “Another Day, Another Hashtag. White People, You Gotta Get to Work NOW”   I strongly encourage you to click through and read her post. Listen Amplify Talk with Family and Friends Donate to Anti-Racism […]

Listening to My Black Friends as a White Woman

I’m in a strange place in my head for reasons both personal and political so I’ve been struggling to blog coherently about recent events. Let me clarify – to blog about the experiences of actual black neighbors who have been killed by police officers and the experiences of people who have to witness and process […]

An Uninformed Patriot is a Foolish Patriot

OMG people, calm down. No veteran was disrespected by a football player sitting through the National Anthem. That anthem is for ALL OF US, not veterans. It isn’t specially about them any more than its specially about farmers, teachers, children, car salesman, politicians, Christians, songwriters, etc. It is an anthem that represents all of us […]

Equality PA, White House To Host Regional LGBT Summit

This looks promising. RSVP to

City of Butler Considers Expanding Non-Discrimination Protections to LGBTQ Community

Butler County Queer

This is a very important blog post about a very important decision taking place just a wee bit north of Downtown Pgh. Butler City Council is considering creating a Human Relations Authority that would be responsible for ensuring resident of the City are protected in areas of employment, housing and public accommodation from discrimination based […]

Went to Podcamp Pittsburgh 11 and Made History

Podcamp Pittsburgh

Ah, Podcamp. Each year, I try to put together a panel on different topics based on my current interest. 2010 – I was on a panel about political blogging organized by Bram Reichbaum of The Pittsburgh Comet 2011 – I was on a panel about using social media to good deeds organized by Chris Whitlatch […]

City of Pgh Accepting Applications for LGBTQIA Advisory Committee

Mayor Bill Peduto is looking for applicants to serve on the soon to be re-established advisory group. Participants will meet monthly and serve on at least one subcommittee. Applicants must submit their information via an online form; the City has partnered with multiple community groups to allow individuals access to the application even if you […]