Janie From Brackenridge: Being Trans Limits Many Things #AMPLIFY

Westmoreland Transgender

Name: Janie Age: 48 County of Residence: Westmoreland Pronouns:  us/they How do you describe your identity? I am transgendered MTF.. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? my parents was my strongest supporters.And tried to find the answers for me and people who was transgender When I was 13. Go figure […]

Cat is Queer, Genderfluid, and Fully Out #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Queer

Name: Cat Conley Age:  27 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? I identify as queer/genderfluid. There are days when I hate any reinforcement of my femininity, and other days when I revel in it. I haven’t figured out a solution yet beyond scowling when someone uses words like “dainty” to describe me. […]

Jeff Hopes LGBTQ Community Will Embrace Common Queer Identity #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

Name: Jeff Age:  66 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: he, him, his How do you describe your identity? I am a gay man. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? It took me many years to come out. I was 49 when I finally was able to be honest […]

Enter to Win ‘Levels’ From Nick Jonas #Giveaway

Nick Jonas Giveaway

Enter to win “Levels” from Nick Jonas! “LEVELS” the new hit single from multi-talented musician NICK JONAS Available Now: http://smarturl.it/NickJonasLevels http://nickjonas.com http://facebook.com/nickjonas http://twitter.com/nickjonas http://instagram.com/nickjonas Here are the rules: You must be 18+ and live in the continental United States. You cannot have won anything in the past 30 days through this site. Previous entries are […]

Jesse Talks About Living as a Trans Woman in A Culture of Fear

Transgender Pittsburgh

Name:  Jesse Oak Rise Age:  32 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She / her How do you describe your identity? While physically I appear more masculine, spiritually I feel more feminine and doing what I can to make my physical self aligned with my spiritual self while trying to avoid (more) harassment, beatings, and the possibility […]

Zella Ziona, 21 of Maryland, Most Recent Trans Woman of Color Murdered

Zella Ziona Transgender

More heartbreaking news, this time from Gaithersburg, Maryland where 21-year-old Zella Ziona became the 22nd transgender woman to be murdered in the US during 2015. A witness told ABC7 he saw the victim, identified as Zella Ziona of Montgomery Village, surrounded by four or five teenagers. There was an argument, then he says one of […]

Jess is a Lesbian Mother Who Wants More Family Friendly Resources #AMPLIFY

Lesbian Pittsburgh

Name:  Jess Age: 25 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns:  Mrs. How do you describe your identity? I am white, a lesbian, and mother. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I told my parents and they were accepting. My friends didn’t care and my extended family came around. […]

Big Burrito Group Updates Trans Inclusive Language

Big Burrito Transgender

You may recall earlier in the year we reported that the folks at Big Burrito had made an ill-conceived attempt at humor by referencing Caitlyn Jenner in their “celebrity” portion of their menu at the Mad Mex restaurants. After backlash from the community, Chef Bill Fuller and his team pulled the menu and issued an […]

She Is a Cisgender Lesbi-Not So-Flexible Black Biological Womyn #AMPLIFY

Latrobe Lesbian

Name:  Saintly Sinner Age:  34 County of Residence:  Westmoreland Preferred Pronouns: She. Her. How do you describe your identity? I am a cisgender lesbi-not so-flexible Black biological womyn. I love being a womyn, I love my vagina, and I love being able to share these things with people who may see strength in me. If I’m able […]

Trans Woman of Color Kiesha Jenkins, 22, Murdered in Philly

Kiesha Jenkins

  Just moments after I blogged about the murder of Melvin in Detroit, I read about the murder of Kiesha Jenkins – a 22 year old trans woman of color in Philadelphia. Kiesha uses the name Tatted Godess Kesh on her Facebook profile where dozens of friends are posting tributes. Kiesha Jenkins, 22, was shot […]