Trans Woman of Color Killed by Gunshot in LA

Deshawnda Sanchez

  Deshawnda “Tata” Sanchez was just 21 years old when she was murdered around 4 AM Wednesday morning (December 3) in Los Angeles. From KTLA: “She was definitely at that door, pounding on that door seeking help,” LAPD Detective Christopher Barling said. The occupant of the home came outside after hearing multiple gunshots but it […]

I Have Never Had To Put My Hands Up For The Police

Hands Up Don't Shoot

UPDATED Earlier this week at 1 PM, I stood outside my home in observance of the 4.5 minute tribute to Michael Brown. I wasn’t able to join my Northside neighbors a few miles up the street so I stood alone on my block in the freezing sleet. It was definitely uncomfortable, but not just because […]

Art Gallery To Host Health Care Happy Hours for Local Artists

This is an interesting outcome from #ArtisticVisionPgh – Most Wanted Fine Art (MWFA) gallery and the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) have teamed up to sponsor a series of happy hours for artists to learn more about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance opportunities. The first happy hour is set for Thursday, December […]

Trans Woman of Color, Angel Elisha Walker, Missing in North Carolina

Angel Elisha Walker

20-year-old Angel Elisha Walker has been missing in Salisbury, North Carolina since October 30.     From Planet Transgender Angel Elisha Walker was last seen by a Salisbury officer Oct 30th driving west away from the city on Highway 150. Her car was found Sunday in the opposite direction, east of Fayetteville in Sampson County. Her […]

Allegheny Co DHS Quarterly LGBTQ Meeting

Information on an upcoming meeting that might be of interest – Sue   Allegheny County Department of Human Services is committed to serving all individuals and families without discrimination.  With this in mind, we are in the process of developing Standards of Practice for DHS and our contracted providers to guide our interactions and support […]

Ten Things I’ve Learned About the Art of Blogging

My one month NaBloPoMo exploration of the art of blogging draws to a close this very day. I had several interesting Q&A sessions, explored some of my own sojourns to the local arts scene and been a bit more pensive than usual. My project was slightly derailed when I learned that my dog has a […]

When UPMC and Highmark Work Together: Saving the Life of a Newborn Baby

I was so saddened to learn that a neighbor of mine from the Northside was killed in a terrible car accident Wednesday evening. Her name was Jodie Guthrie and while I did not know her, I am a regular customer at the Rite-Aid where she was killed. She lived near my neighborhood. Jodie was pregnant, […]

What Does It Mean to Amplify?

How To Be An Ally

The word amplify has been rolling around my brain for months now. I’ve been following two distinct, but interconnected threads on social media about the need for allies to amplify the voices of people of color and transgender people – in lieu of speaking for them. And let me be very clear here – these […]

The Risks of Moving Beyond the Blog

This past weekend, I was part of a panel discussion about the #ArtisticVisionPgh project. The audience was small, but asked terrific questions. I think it went well. Video will be available in a few months. This panel also marked my unofficial entry into the world of blogger artist in residence. To be honest, that’s a […]

WESA 90.5 Explores LGBTQ Poverty


This past week, WESA aired two segments addressing an often overlooked issue in the LGBTQ community – poverty. Deanna Garcia put together a solid segment focusing squarely on poverty, using data from The Williams Institute as well as interviews with local leaders. She interviewed a local lesbian who is disabled and living on Social Security. […]