The Reasons I’m Just a Blogger

Live Blogging

The NaBloPoMo prompt for today is a good theme to consider “Do you consider yourself a “professional” blogger? Why or why not? What does that mean to you?” In short, no. I am just a blogger, not a professional. After nine years, I’m not an amateur either. I’m just a regular, plain old blogger. The […]

How Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vanessa German Taught Me About Art

What is art? While growing up in Pittsburgh during the 1970’s and 1980’s, art was seemingly far removed from my everyday life. No one in my family or immediate circle was an artist (that I know of, at least) and we didn’t actively participate in the arts community. Art seemed like something for rich people. […]

The Time I Volunteered On Election Day

Kerry Edwards Rainbow Button

Way, way back in 2004, I was an active member of Steel City Stonewall Democrats and I was drafted to help out on Election Day in November. Based on my (ahem) vast social service experience (& lack of experience with poll data), I was put in charge of volunteers. I dutifully began recruiting people to […]

Queer Identity and Blogging as an Art Form

pittsburgh pride

In response to yesterday’s post, Jenna left a very thoughtful comment. Just because someone doesn’t blog solely about LGBTQ issues doesn’t mean you’re the only LGBTQ blogger in Western PA (or Eastern Ohio, where I now live). Lots of us use our social media streams as great forms of sharing and connecting. Many of us […]

Exploring The Art and Craft of Lesbian Blogging

NaBloPoMo Lesbian

Today, November 1, marks the launch of the *real* NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month. This group-blog idea was founded in 2006 as a little sibling to National Novel Writing Month. Now managed by BlogHer, NaBloPoMo has a simple aim – post something every day. They offer blogging prompts, a blogroll and the opportunity to […]

Tajshon Ashley Sherman Found Murdered in Indianapolis, 9th TWOC Murdered This Year

Tajshon Sherman

I learned about the murder of the 9th trans woman of color this year (in the US) from an email update. 25-year-old Tajshon Ashley Sherman was found in an empty lot in Indianapolis with “intense head injuries” by a police officer driving nearby. Her body was discovered on October 26. Police have confirmed that she was […]

Why to Support the KD Turkey Fund

KD Turkey Fund

Many years ago, I ran a modest food pantry in a rural Kentucky county. It was a humbling experience during which I fumbled and stumbled many times as I tried to solicit donations and distribute them with some semblance of dignity. When I returned to Pittsburgh, I learned about Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank – […]

Giveaway New Bette Midler Album ‘It’s The Girls!’

Bette Midler

Enter to win IT’S THE GIRLS! from BETTE MIDLER! IT’S THE GIRLS! the stunning new album from the legendary BETTE MIDLER Featuring a collection of some of the greatest harmonies performed by girl groups such as The Ronettes, The Boswell Sisters, The Andrew Sisters, The Chiffons as well as Motown acts like Martha Reeves and […]

Election 2014 Don’t Let the Trans Community Bear the Brunt of the Anti-LGBTQ Attacks Alone

Vote Pennsylvania

There are many reasons to vote and many critical elections impacting Southwestern PA. It is easy to give in to the sense of inevitability or futility and not bother to turn out, but that’s exactly what our opponents want to see happen. The act of voting IN SPITE of the odds is an act of […]

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