Did Highmark, Caring Place Intentionally Schedule Competing Movie Against ReelQ Film Festival?

  A weekly feature on the GLCC blog highlights an important fact about LGBTQ Pgh – there are many, many “things to do” nearly every day, sometimes to the point of being overwhelmed by choices. This is a far cry from even ten years ago when a handful of monthly events were pretty much it […]

Latina Transwoman Killed in Memphis, Suspect Arrested, Help Needed With Funeral Expenses

Alejandra Leos

Friday night, another trans sister of color was murdered, this time in Memphis. 41 year old Alejandra Leos was born in Monclova Vieja, Coahuila De Zaragoza, Mexico, but lived with her family in Memphis. She had family support and job security. She was respected, loved and valued by those who knew her. Alejandra used the […]

Dear Allegheny County Council – I Don’t Trust Your God

In God We Trust

I have a very concise message for Sue Means, Chuck Martoni, John Palmiere, Ed Kress, Heather Heidelbaugh, Tom Baker, the members of Allegheny County Council who want to erect a plaque in the County Courthouse with the motto “In God We Trust.”  (h/t 2 Political Junkies) No, we don’t. You might trust in God, but I […]

Melissa Ferrick Talks Pittsburgh, MichFest and More

Melissa Ferrick

Singer-songwriter Melissa Ferrick will perform Saturday night at Club Cafe on Pittsburgh’s South Side. She has a new album out – The Truth Is – her 17th release in a 20 year a career. I was introduced to Ferrick in the early 2000’s by a friend who scoffed at my fondness for Melissa Etheridge and told […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Erin Gill Ninehouser of the PA Health Access Network

During the course of our Q&A profiles of the artists and sponsors, some interesting questions arose about vision health and insurance. So I asked Erin Gill Ninehouser from the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) to take a stab at some of these issues. Name: Erin Ninehouser Organization Twitter: @pahealthaccess Organization Website: www.pahealthaccess.org What sort of work does PHAN […]

Why Does Coffee-Mate Think We All Have an Inner Latino?

Apparently, Coffee-Mate (and parent company Nestle) haven’t been paying attention to any discussion around cultural appropriate and stereotyping. I opened my email today to find a coupon for two flavored creamers, Dulce de Leche and Mexican Chocolate. The tagline, however, took me aback. “Indulge your inner Latino through Hispanic Heritage Month and beyond” It is […]

Repent Amarillo Targeted Northside Church – Watch How They Respond #NSFW

Repent Amarillo

A week before Pittsburgh Pridefest, members of Repent Amarillo were spotted protesting outside of Community Presbyterian Church in the Central Northside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. I just found the 50 minute “street preach” video and it is both sad and amusing. It is also something people are going to underestimate.  This is #NSFW because of the […]

Pittsburgh Dad Makes First Reference to Gay Neighbors

I like Pittsburgh Dad. He rings true to me – this strange amalgam of adult men in my family and my friend’s fathers. Yep, he’s corny. Yep, he’s sometimes tries too hard. Yep, he’s a little too loose and easy with the insults of others. That’s what I mean – he sounds real to me. […]

Post-Gazette Ignores Trans Community When It Comes To Discrimination

When I saw the headline “Jurassic Legislature: As gays marry, lawmakers won’t protect their rights” I cringed. I thought to myself as I opened the link “please let them get it right, please let them get it right.” BOOM. They got it so very wrong. The poor performance of the state Legislature has a number […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Jason Sauer

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. This post profiles Jason Sauer, co-owner of Most Wanted Fine Art.    Name: Jason Sauer Website: www.mostwantedfineart.com Twitter: @Mostwanted5015  How old were you when you first had to wear glasses?  I was in 6th grade and […]