Pittsburgh Organizes Four Back-to-Back Protests During Trump Visit on Weds, Oct 23

Organizing around resisting White Nationalism, Fracking, while demanding Clean Water, and Impeachment. Expect thousands on the streets from 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Standing in solidarity directly outside President Trump’s fracking industry speech and campaign rally at Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convention Center this Wednesday, over a dozen local activists, environmentalists, politicians, and performers will […]

Black Trans Woman Brianna ‘BB’ Hill, 30, was Murdered in Kansas City this week

Brianna Hill transgender Breonna Hill

Please be sure to read the notes at the bottom of this post regarding updated information on deaths of our neighbors whose identities are unconfirmed or the cause of death is not yet determine to be suspicious. There are some discrepencies in the numbers being reported. I don’t claim to be exactly right, but I […]

The ongoing trauma of surviving abuse in the Diocese of Pittsburgh

Content Note: Trauma, Catholic Church, Sexual Predators Trauma unfolds differently for some survivors. Some experiences happened in the past and when we do the work of recovery and healing, we can put an end to the traumatic impact on our current lives. That’s the hope anyway. Trauma isn’t just in the past, it is an […]

How To Be An Ally To Indigenous Peoples

  Two Row Campaign and Syracuse Cultural Workers. The full color poster features an Onondaga Gustoweh (headgear) by Onondaga artist Josephine M. Cook. You can order a copy either as a poster or a notecard by clicking on the image above if you like.

Please Donate to #AMPLIFY LGBTQ Voices on #GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday LGBTQ Pittsburgh

  We are in the midst of several ‘giving’ projects, including supporting our LGBTQ community groups for the holidays. We need gift cards, socks, backpacks, board games, cookies, volunteers, and more. These are important projects. That being said, #AMPLIFY is also an important project. I’ve been reflecting quite a bit on the unexpected deaths of […]

What Do We Do Now?

I’m useless today. Staring at this blank screen, knowing that I should find some words to share, has occupied most of my day. But I have nothing. Just this pounding feeling in my heart and my head that feels like doom, rather than just another day in Trump’s America. I don’t feel hope right now, […]

My Essay on Hysterectomies and Trauma Informed Care Published Today at PublicSource

I wrote a thing, summarizing the institutional failures around gynecology and sexual trauma. Among other failings. Also, in the pensive cover photo you can’t see that I am standing next to a litter box while my cat is licking my ankles. I’m a pro. Gynecologists should have nursing or social work staff doing follow-up with […]

Someone Stole the Bill ‘Cowher Chair’ During Kerry Kennedy’s Funeral

Based on new information, it is unclear if this actually happened as was originally described. We will wait for a police report to update this post. Anyone who has information should contact the Zone One police department in Pittsburgh.

A Trans Woman Was Sexually Assaulted in Allegheny County Jail

Transgender Woman Allegheny County Jail

CN: sexual assault, institutional violence A trans woman incarcerated at the Allegheny County Jail reported that she had been sexually assaulted by her cellmate. He is now facing sexual assault charges after reportedly admitting the crime to ACJ officials. On Saturday morning, Amie Downs, communications director for Allegheny County Chief Executive’s office confirmed for me […]

Occasional Ask for Donations

Remember, my blog is not a source of income. No one covers my expenses to do all this thinking and ask these questions except me (and Ledcat). So if you are feeling the impact of the work we do, you can chip in to help us continue. You can donate directly to AMPLIFY or the […]