Ten Pittsburgh Holiday Things To Do

holiday serving tray

For the first time in a decade or longer, I’m not working on a holiday gift project of some type like a toy drive or a food or blanket drive. No drives. Organizing a drive or a giving tree is exhilarating and rewarding, but it consumes hundreds of hours. My personal seasonal activities were usually […]

How Awesome Would ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ Mashup With ‘Amazing Grace’

Harlem Gospel Choir Band Aid

Today’s actual Daily Prompt is art of blogging adjacent You’re asked to recite a poem (or song lyrics) from memory — what’s the first one that comes to mind? Does it have a special meaning, or is there another reason it has stayed, intact, in your mind? Two songs come to mind, both for nostalgic […]

How Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vanessa German Taught Me About Art

What is art? While growing up in Pittsburgh during the 1970’s and 1980’s, art was seemingly far removed from my everyday life. No one in my family or immediate circle was an artist (that I know of, at least) and we didn’t actively participate in the arts community. Art seemed like something for rich people. […]

Queer Identity and Blogging as an Art Form

pittsburgh pride

In response to yesterday’s post, Jenna left a very thoughtful comment. Just because someone doesn’t blog solely about LGBTQ issues doesn’t mean you’re the only LGBTQ blogger in Western PA (or Eastern Ohio, where I now live). Lots of us use our social media streams as great forms of sharing and connecting. Many of us […]

Pittsburgh Plays It Forward With Holiday Toy Project

Play It Forward is a terrific resource for regional families during the holidays. Building upon the idea of toy sharing, organizers collect gently used toys, stuffed animals and more to redistribute to families in need. I think it is an excellent idea and the fact that they received over 50,000 toys in 2013 suggests that […]

Tajshon Ashley Sherman Found Murdered in Indianapolis, 9th TWOC Murdered This Year

Tajshon Sherman

I learned about the murder of the 9th trans woman of color this year (in the US) from an email update. 25-year-old Tajshon Ashley Sherman was found in an empty lot in Indianapolis with “intense head injuries” by a police officer driving nearby. Her body was discovered on October 26. Police have confirmed that she was […]

Why I Don’t Go Into the Woods

Like most kids, I grew up with a mixture of urban legend and cultural frights that together made for terrifying experiences. Our neighborhood was the border of “The Woods” which lent itself as a source of horrifying creatures sneaking through the backyard and into our lives. Nevermind that during the day, we ran wild and […]

Four Badass Female TV Characters as Halloween Costume Inspiration

We’re less than a week away from Halloween! If you had to design a costume that channeled your true, innermost self, what would that costume look like? Would you dare to wear it? Great prompt. I’m going to step away from the tendency to think of my true self as something weak and broken and sad. Instead, […]

I Just Found My (non) Imaginary Childhood Friend on Facebook

Today’s blogging prompt is a challenge to describe what your imaginary childhood friend’s life would be like now. I didn’t have an imaginary friend, but there was one childhood friend who moved away in second grade. I never saw her again. So for no particular reason, I googled her and up popped a Facebook profile […]

Review of Pittsburgh Tours and More ScareHouse Tour

Pittsburgh Tours and More

On a recent Sunday, Ledcat and I took a six-hour tour of one of our favorite Halloween haunts – The ScareHouse in Etna, courtesy of Pittsburgh Tours and More. We’ve been to ScareHouse in the past – almost yearly, but the chance to go behind the scenes was too good to resist. The tour started […]