UPMC/Highmark – It’s a Catty New World

Friday night, our car was rear ended while we running some errands. No one was seriously hurt – it was just an accident. The car in front of us made a sudden right hand turn into a car dealership. We were able to stop, but the woman behind us was not. Most important, her son […]

Giveaway & Interview: Mary Gauthier at Club Cafe on Weds Sept 25

The first time I heard Mary Gauthier sing was on WYEP (shocker, huh?) a few years before I met Ledcat. The Louisiana connection caught me right away. I was struck by her stoic interview in contrast with her raw music and lyrics. Gauthier is coming to Pittsburgh on Wednesday September 25, performing at Club Cafe […]

Vince Gill 2, Westboro Baptist Church 0

You may have heard that county singer Vince Gill went out to “see hate” when the WBC showed up at his recent concert to protest the fact that he and his wife, Amy Grant, are both divorced. Ahem. Gill was pretty amusing. So score 1 to him.     Then there’s this. It is possibly […]

LGBTQ Soap Opera Update: Spoilers, Speculation, You’ve Been Warned

Wow. General Hospital and Days of Our Lives LGBTQ stories (well, they are both really gay men’s stories) are both on fire. Here’s my quick rundown. First, DAYS and uberpopular WilSon. The bad news is that Will is being recast because they actor wants to pursue his education. Big shoes to fill? The other bad […]

ReelQ LGBTQ Quarterly Film Scheduled Along with Collection of Gently Used DVD’s

The Pittsburgh Lesbian and Gay Film Festival has announced their next Quartely Film for 2013 – Big Love, set for Sunday September 15, 7:30 PM at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont.  “Big Gay Love” is a comedy about Bob (Jonathan Lisecki, Gayby Reel Q 2012), a successful but insecure party planner who desperately searches for […]

Giveaway and Interview: SONia and disappear fear are coming to Pittsburgh

Recording artists disappear fear’s brand new release Broken Film debuts this month and the band with SONia will be playing Club Cafe on Wednesday September 18  (7:00 doors/8:00 show) as part of the CD release party tour. With stellar musicians from NYC and L.A. joining Baltimore’s own SONiA (Rutstein) this disappear fear CD release show […]

Book report: “True Selves” revisited

(I posted a version of this message in a forum maintained by Helen Boyd, author of “My Husband Betty” and “She’s Not the Man I Married.” Helen asked if she could share it on her blog, enGender. I said sure … as long as I could share it with you! —Trish) — When people are […]

Giveaway: Pair of Tickets to See Chris Pureka at Club Cafe

Singer-songwriter Chris Pureka is coming to Pittsburgh on Sunday August 25 and you can win a pair of tickets right here. Pureka has been compared to everyone from Ani DeFranco to Mary Gauthier to Neil Young and beyond. Pureka identifies as genderqueer. “I feel like I’m definitely a more butch lesbian, and that’s not very common in […]

Queerable Spaces: Spending the Weekend With the Gays

For a semi-lovely October Augut weekend, we had quite a nice time. Friday evening was super low-key as I was felled by my allergies and took a nap so we ended up watching “Orange is the New Black” and going to sleep early. Saturday was OUTrageous Bingo night. So off we went to Squirrel Hill for […]

Infographic: Women In Music

This says a lot. Via Musicians for Equal Opportunities for Women.