Theater Sans Serif Presents 8: Or The Fight For Marriage Equality

Friday evening only, local company Theater Sans Serif will offer a staged reading of Dustin Lance Black’s “8”  This script, based upon the real life events surrounding the testing if Proposition 8 is Constitutional. This proposition called for California to disallow gay marriage. This fundamental right is being denied to our LGBT brothers and sisters, […]

Sexual Assault and Rape Culture Are LGBTQ Issues

Trigger Warnings – sexual assault, rape, victim-blaming Coauthored with Ian Awesome. Originally posted on HuffPo Gay Voices. The conviction of two young men for raping an unconscious young woman challenges us to rethink our assumptions about youth, the legal system and sexual assault. We are both survivors of sexual assault. In the light of media responses to […]

Shocked: My LGBTQ support ‘never wavered’

Shocked: My LGBTQ support ‘never wavered’

According to the website Buzzfeed, Michelle Shocked has now issued two “open letters” about remarks she made during her March 17 concert in San Francisco. You can read them here. The first open letter says (according to Buzzfeed—the statements aren’t on Shocked’s website): “I do not, nor have I ever, said or believed that God […]

WYEP’s Sauter on Shocked comments

I asked Mike Sauter, music director and midday on-air host at WYEP (91.3), what he thought of reports that folk singer-songwriter Michelle Shocked verbally attacked gay people during a concert in San Francisco. Have station staff members discussed the incident? “We’ve been definitely talking about the situation at the station. Shocked’s behavior is very odd, […]

“Madama Butterfly” – Cultural Lessons on Respect for Women

**SPOILERS** Last night, Ledcat and I were guests of the Pittsburgh Opera for the performance of  Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly.” Congrats to Tiffany who won the two tickets (and brought her friend Becky along.) Cio-Cio San’s open heart and trusting nature are the reasons that Pinkerton should love her, and the reasons that we weep at […]


Were you making a joke—saying something ironically—that flopped? Was it a cry for attention? Or were you simply making a heartfelt expression of pure nastiness? Just what were you trying to do, Michelle Shocked? Shocked is a feminist folk-singer whose songs champion strong, independent women. “Anchorage,” the break-out single from her 1988 album “Short Sharp […]

The Week in LGBTQA – March 17, 2013

St. Patrick’s Day edition. First, let me wish my younger brother Jim a happy birthday. He’s 41 – 17 months younger than me. In my head he’s still 8. LOL.  One of most significant stories this past week involved a conversation about how we prevent rape. Gun proponents argue that women need guns to shoot […]

Jen Tyrrell Talks Boy Scouts Survey on HuffPost Live

Jen Tyrrell Talks Boy Scouts Survey on HuffPost Live

Our friend and contributing blogger Jennifer Tyrrell joined HuffPost Live this week to discuss the decision of the Boy Scouts to survey their members about lifting the ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders. She’s concerned that the questions are leading and also makes a very good point that the survey response are tied to people’s […]

Read Along With “Little Women” During March – I’m In!

What could bring more cheer on the eve of a blizzard (ahem) than an invitation to re-read “Little Women” – nothing! The blog Fizzy Thoughts is inviting everyone to read along. Fun. You can join in the #MarmeeOn (get it?) What’s your favorite part of Little Women?

Losing my religion: Part 4

Losing my religion: Part 4

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) When I left the Roman Catholic church, I felt lost. I knew I wasn’t a fundamentalist Christian. I have friends who have become Buddhists, and while I admire them, it wasn’t for me. I heard an interview with Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight Schrute on “The Office,” and who’s […]