Innocent Bystanders Suffer From Homophobia

This morning, I sent word about the Remember Her Name vigil to members of Pittsburgh City Council. One wrote back and sent me the notice that my site is still blocked by the City web filters, categorized as nudity and pornography. I explained the situation and hope perhaps that person will be of help. When retelling […]

Dreams of Hope Sponsor “Speaq” – open mic for queer & allied youth

Let’s Talk Anonymous!

If you haven’t heard of Anonymous, perhaps you’ve been living under a rock. The recent Anonymous movement #OccupyStuebenville is taking place this Saturday, January 5th, in our own backyard. It has been making national headlines and causing quite the local stir. I wanna know if you are going. I wanna hear your thoughts on the […]

George Takei and Ledcat Co-Star in Environmental Video!

Pride in the Street

Ledcat makes two appearances in this video promoting reusable bags. Can you find them both? Bonus points if you can identify the event where I “caught” George Takei with a Batman tote bag.

Think pink (not)

  In Japan, Honda has introduced its “first car exclusively for women.” “Honda Fit She’s” (sic) have pink instruments on their dashboards, hot pink stitching on their seats and steering wheels, and are painted in colors “inspired by popular eyeshadow shades.” They have windshields and “plasma cluster” air conditioning systems designed to prevent wrinkles. I […]

GLCC To Host Collaboration of Art & Drag

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ART AND DRAG UNITE FOR A ROYAL SHOW Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 2, 2012- Drag Queens and Kings as Portrayed by Local Pittsburgh Artists.The GLCC proudly presents a collaborative effort between the visual art community and the drag performance community. “Drag” can be understood gender bending or gender illusion entertainment that has the power […]

How Do We Measure Christmas? The AFA Reduces the Reason for the Season to a Sign

I find it amusing when the American Family Association gets into a pantry twist about saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” … and so its a predictable giggle when they release their “Naughty and Nice” list of retailers each year. Criteria – AFA reviewed up to four areas to determine if a company was […]

Guest Post: Stop Our Bullies, Save Our Valleys

Guest Post: Stop Our Bullies, Save Our Valleys

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog posts from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Jason Togyer shared a personal commentary at the Tube City Almanac. Jason grew up near McKeesport; I grew up near McKeesport, too.  His perspective resonates with me both as a reflection on my […]

Guest Blog Post: It Is Everyone’s Fight

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Tiffany Harkelroad blogs at Tiffany’s Bookshelf Yesterday, I went to have my annual blood work done.  As I registered at the front desk, I handed the clerk my insurance card.  Because I am […]

Guest Blog Post: The Enemy Is Us

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Maria Lupinacci blogs at 2 Political Junkies” In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.  Most of us […]