Guest Blog Post: Bullies are Jagoffs

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Our friend Yajagoff Catcher from YaJagoff website weighs in and sums it up nicely. A few weeks ago, fellow social media-ite and new friend, Sue Kerr, let us know that, based on her online […]

Guest Blog Post: Things I’ve Learned as I Grew Into an Ally

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Becky Willis of lil’ burghers  My daughter was tucked up on the couch looking at photos with one of my female (lesbian) friends. She, only being 4, realized that another woman kept popping […]

Another Soap Star Comes Out

According to, former Guiding Light star Maureen Garrett – “HollyLinsey” – came out. After carefully cocooning her personal life from the media during her 35 years playing Guiding Light’s  Holly Lindsey, actress Maureen Garrett has chosen National Coming Out Day to reveal publicly to Out magazinethat she is a lesbian and has been involved in a 20-year-long relationship with […]

LGBT Film Festival Debuts New Name; New Lineup

The Pittsburgh LGBT Film Society has changed their brand to “Reel Q” and has an exciting lineup for 2012. The festival runs Oct 12 – 21 at the Harris Theater. And what a great change – I love the focus on Q (and the pun.)  FRIDAY 7:30 p.m.: “Cloudburst” — See review. SATURDAY 1 p.m.: “United in Anger: […]

Giveaway: Win Pair of Passes to Pgh Premiere of “Married in Spandex”

Giveaway: Win Pair of Passes to Pgh Premiere of “Married in Spandex”

(excuse the alliteration in the headline – what can i say?) It is always fun when there’s an LGBTQ movie outside of the Film Festival schedule so be sure to clear your calendar for Friday, September 7 when “Married in Spandex” is showing at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont. AND the filmmakers are Pittsburgh natives. […]

LGBTQ Elders to Gather in Pittsburgh

NEXUS, a catalyst for GLBT elders in the Pittsburgh area, is kicking off the last week of September. Nexus will be the gathering place for Elders (50+) in the GLBT community to come together and meet to network and create community. There will be coffee and light refreshments available.   Nexus is sponsored by the […]

Facebook Takes Another Step Toward Equality; Still Hung Up On Words

Facebook is evolving.   Facebook, the world’s largest online social network, has taken another step toward LGBT-inclusiveness, introducing same-sex icons for users to select from when adding marriage events to their profile’s timeline. Previously, the marriages between gay couples were marked by the default “bride and groom” icon. That’s good. Images matter. But I don’t […]

Melissa Etheridge “Pittsburgh Pride Showed Me The Money”

Melissa Etheridge “Pittsburgh Pride Showed Me The Money”

Dear God, I’m going to get reamed for focusing on this quote, but seriously … Melissa Etheridge made her Pridefest debut in Pittsburgh this month and it was apparently a terrific show, but my skepticism was confirmed by a  quote she gave to PG music editor Scott Mervis: She repeated that she played this fest, […]

Carrie Underwood States Her Own Faith & Marriage Underpin Her Support for Marriage Equality

Carrie Underwood States Her Own Faith & Marriage Underpin Her Support for Marriage Equality

This is an interesting development. Carrie Underwood has publicly stated her support for marriage equality. From an interview with a British publication, The Independent. “As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry,” she said. “I can’t imagine how that […]

Pittsburgh Adds Queer Music Festival to Pride Events

Pittsburgh Adds Queer Music Festival to Pride Events

Although not an official Pride event, Rhinestone Steel is a welcome addition to incorporate a different perspective into the array of celebrations of our community. The event has a family friendly component earlier – including hula hoopers – and then becomes adults only after 6 PM. Saturday June 23rd 2012 —-3pm until 1am at 5020 Penn […]