What Pennsylvania’s LGBT Community Needs …

What Pennsylvania’s LGBT Community Needs …

Sorry, this popped into my mind during all of the post-North Carolina election chit chat. It was nice to smile …   http://youtu.be/rdyOxtPqJ3M

Unique Debuts on GLEE

Unique Debuts on GLEE

What did you think of Unique’s introduction to the cast of GLEE as part of Vocal Adrenaline? http://youtu.be/dVLYZQWIzWw

Melissa Etheridge Headlines Pittsburgh Pride Activities; Does It Matter That She’s a Bad Wife?

Melissa Etheridge Headlines Pittsburgh Pride Activities; Does It Matter That She’s a Bad Wife?

Rumors have been circulating, but today the Pittsburgh Pridefest organizers confirmed that Emmy winner and openly lesbian Melissa Etheridge will be performing at “Pride in the Streets” the Saturday event of Pridefest. I like Melissa’s earlier music and I have a lot of respect for how gracefully she walked through her battle with breast cancer. […]

Bully Debuts in Pittsburgh This Weekend

For those of you who have been following the efforts to get the rating for the documentary “Bully” lowered from an R to a PG-13 … the wait is over.  Not only has the rating been changed, but the movie opens this weekend in Pittsburgh at both The Manor in Squirrel Hill and AMC Loews […]

A Fun “Gay Marriage” Proposal

A Fun “Gay Marriage” Proposal





LGBT Volunteerism – Time to Step Forward

LGBT Volunteerism – Time to Step Forward

GLENDA is an amazing resource. I’ve participated both as a volunteer and as an organization using their talents. It is a locally grown treasure. I’m sad that they are in dire straights. I wish I had the time to make a commitment. The best I can do is to ask you to consider doing so. […]

Trevor Project Unveils PSA During GLEE

Trevor Project Unveils PSA During GLEE

Last night’s GLEE has my in tears for most of the show. The Valentine’s episode made me suspicious that there would be such a situation with Dave Karofsky, but the scene leading up to his attempt was heartwrenching. If you aren’t convinced about the impact of bullying of LGBT kids, I urge you to watch […]

The Civil Discourse of (Alleged) Religious Persecution

The Civil Discourse of (Alleged) Religious Persecution

I had somewhat modest hopes when I read the headline to Ruth Ann Dailey’s most recent column “A civil solution to same-sex marriage angst” Same sex marriage? Wow, that’s a big step forward from “gay marriage” and slightly more accurate if not as preferable as “marriage equality.” Ruth Ann, though, ensnared me in the quite […]

Sue on Bilerico – Infusing LGBT into BlogLocal

Pittsburgh is where it all began. I <3 Pittsburgh gave birth to the idea that a compilation of blogs could give someone a feel for the vibe, the pulse of a region. Hence, BlogLocal.  You’ll note that there are a lot of blogs from Pittsburgh, but many still to be entered. Such is the hazard […]