Q&A with Stars of Holiday Drag Musical ‘Claws Out’ at City Theatre

For the holidays, City Theatre had to pivot on it’s heel from a live stage production to a pre-recorded show broadcast online. Fortunately, when it came to Claws Out they had plenty of heels to choose from, including stilettos and sensible pumps. A holiday drag musical, Claws Out tells the story of two divas battling for […]

Haunted Theater in Pittsburgh

For those of us continuing to social distance, finding things to do to celebrate holidays like Halloween can be a challenge. Laura and I donated candy to Proud Haven to offset the sadness of not giving out tricks or treats. We’ve harvested pumpkins, had apple cider and pumpkin cookies, we drove to see the leaves. […]

Review: Hoard a new play at off the WALL Productions in Carnegie

This is the sort of play that I would prefer to contemplate for a few days before I write a review. However, the importance and impact of this creation is so significant that I’m pushing through my own process to urge you – strongly – to Carnegie to see this show running for three weekends. March […]

Q&A: Natalia Zukerman Discusses Queer Conventionality and The Women Who Rode Away

The Women Who Road Away Natalia Zukerman

Off the Wall Productions and Carnegie Stage host an intriguing performance series this weekend – queer artist and singersongwriter Natalia Zukerman in a one woman show The Women Who Rode Away. Featuring original music and projected paintings by Zukerman, this intimate portrait recounts the artist’s journey of finding her own voice through the stories of […]

Q&A with Phat Man Dee About Celebrating the Roaring 2020’s, Bisexual Identity, and the Power of Creators

Phat Man Dee Roaring 20s

One of our favorite people, Phat Man Dee, is hosting a fete to celebrate the roaring 20’s. It looks like a lot of fun so we asked her to answer a few questions and that led to this Q&A. Phat Man Dee’s Roaring 2020’s * Friday January 31, 2020 * The Oaks Theater Your Name: […]

City Theatre’s ‘Downstairs’ Relies on Strong Performances to Explore Family Violence Themes

City Theatre is staging Theresa Rebeck’s Downstairs this month. Originally written for actor siblings Tyne and Tim Daly, the plot focuses on adult siblings Irene and Teddy. Teddy has taken up residency in the basement of the house Irene shares with her husband. Teddy pokes at an old computer that Irene claims is broken, they […]

Review: Grist From the Mill Delivers a Good Storytelling Experience

On Friday we were at Carnegie Stage for the debut of Grist From the Mill, the first piece of a storytelling trilogy from local playwright and creator, Lissa Brennan. The trilogy boasted infusing Irish murder ballads with the steel industry. This piece was set in 1902 Pittsburgh. This performance was not what I expected, but […]

‘Grist From The Mill’ trilogy explores steel mill storytelling

This weekend, Off the wall Theater debuts the first piece from a new trilogy by Lissa Brennan. GRIST FROM THE MILL is a trilogy of works of storytelling inspired by fairy tales and folk music, specifically Irish murder ballads which spoke of ugly events with considered beauty. The steel mills of Southwestern Pennsylvania go beyond […]

How a Fishing Boat Sinking in North Carolina Resonates with Pittsburgh. Please read.

Papa's Girl sinks

There are four reasons you should donate to this crowdfund. I grew up in a steelworkers family and understood from early on that it was a dangerous, difficult job. We weren’t allowed to touch my father’s work clothes, not to keep them from being mussed but to keep us from being exposed to the chemicals. […]

My 2020 History Chicks Podcast Binge

The History Chicks

I picked a new binge project for 2020 – listening to all of the ‘History Chicks’ podcasts episodes. This is for multiple purposes. First, it is obviously educational and enriching. Second, I’ve been tasked by my therapist to incorporate a new distraction tool into my daily life. Listening to a podcast in the car is […]