Are you seeing this blog post? Great, let’s get more social

Recently, I changed the settings on our Jetpack subscription tool to send out a snip of each post with a link to read more. The email you receive gives you the option of reading the post at the blog or in a WordPress reader. And you can of course use your preferred RSS reader directly. […]

How to Prepare Winter Weather Shelters for the Cat Colony

Yesterday, I got the winter shelters ready for the cats. Sort of. I use airline dog crates XXL, held together with zip ties, and covered with one of those warm but thin quilt type blankets. The crates and quilts/blankets were also donated. I bought the zip ties. Winter will soon be here. Inside each shelter […]

The Reason My Cats Think I’m Horrible

Our second month of pet food distribution is underway. We have 50 total colony caretakers registered and 26 are active. All feed cats, some have dogs. Our main focus is dry cat food, especially during these winter months.  We’ll need bags of food in the 10-20 pound range. Smaller bags can be combined as well. […]

Countdown to the #BackYardSale: Go Back To Bed!

where to donate cat beds

Next on our list of items for (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx are cat beds. A bed is a very personal item to pass along. I find it very hard. But important. Lots of sizes and styles, some modeled here. Beds can be especially comfy for sick or injured cats, litters of foster kittens, aging animals, […]

I fail donors with complete self-awareness and no actual misgivings

I love the idea of supporting creators with a modest sustaining gift. Each month, a titch of my income goes to Substack subscriptions, some Act Blue candidates, and Patreon. Donors keep the interesting stuff happening. How I Waded In To The Pond of Promotion So I set up my own Patreon. Immediately hit a wall. […]

Was Dr. John P. Ruffing Your Veterinarian? Celebrate His Birthday!

Dr. John P. Ruffing

He would be 58 on Wednesday Sometimes, I wonder how life would be if he had lived past the age of 41. But then I realize that is pointless. I am pretty sure he would not read my blog (all the reading!) and would proud of my awards. I have countless stories. Right now, I’m […]

Snacktime in the Meadow of Love: My Third Wedding Anniversary

Today is the third anniversary of my wedding. Yet, I am alone at my friends’ home and assume my wife is at work. Happy anniversary! Yesterday, I looked at our wedding album, reread the newspaper coverage of the wedding, and – even though I was sad – I remembered how happy and excited I felt […]

This is How Your Benevolence Keeps Us In Business

It has been a challenging six months for the blog and this blogger. We just started our 19th year of blogging in December. We were honored for that milestone by the Pennsylvania State Senate and the Pittsburgh City Council. Also, we were nominated again in the Oustanding Blog category of the GLAAD Media Awards. And […]

These Northside Community Cats Need Help to Survive the Winter

It is Caturday. The community cats living at the Fort Faulsey need your help. We are hoping to collect some food, supplies, etc to help them get through the winter. Our neighbor, Marie, has been taking care of all of the colony cats, two feeding stations, etc. Since early August, 7 days a week without […]

Please Donate Gently Used Items For This Lesbian Blogger

Donate gently used items for womens

Hey friends,   I am still struggling to obtain items for cold weather. It is a lot of extra work to get my own things. If you have any of these items in gently used condition please let me know. ~ Sue   A few long sleeve tee shirts, crew neck, basic colors, sizes XL/1X […]