Here’s My #NaBloPoMo Post About The Gilmore Girls

I have been blogging daily, but not sticking with the prompts. However, I refuse to be a #NaBloPoMo drop-out. This coming Friday, I will not be shopping. Instead, I will sleep-in and then settle in to binge watch The Gilmore Girls ‘Year in the Life’ special on Netflix. Fortunately for me, Ledcat’s friend has asked […]

“Fagbug” is back in the region

I first learned about this story at Pridefest a few years ago.  Erin Davies has her vehicle vandalized, including homophobic graffiti and the always original tag “Fag.”  Erin took action and began driving the vehicle around the nation to educate people about homophobia.  Sure enough, she drove in the Pride March that year.  Erin is […]

A little more on GetEqual and activism in PA

From Pam's House Blend, a guest post on the increasing presence of GetEqual in the LGBTQ advocacy/activist scene.  Distraught by recent delays, LGBT activists turn to civil disobedience to encourage the passage of the Employment Non Discrimination and repeal of “Don't Ask Don't Tell”.  Groups like GetEQUAL are making their voices known though direct actions like chaining […]

Wingnut Donutter pulls one over on LGBTQ community

I have to give Ron Razete of Peace, Love and Little Donuts credit. His anti-gay bigotry was on display in the Post-Gazette, the Pgh City Paper, national blogs and the Urban Spoon and he didn't miss beat nor repent a single vile word he spewed.  What did he say?  Here are some excerpts from his now […]

What if the big "coming out" promised this week is a Christian, country music star?

TMZ beat People magazine to the punch with the disclosure that country music's Chely Wright plans to come out this week as a lesbian. The 39-year-old singer scored a #1 country song back in 1999 with “Single White Female,” when she was named Academy of Country Music new artist of the year. Wright is the […]

LGBT Films at Jewish Israeli Film Festival in Pittsburgh

  Pittsburgh Jewish Israeli Film Festival presents       Saturday, March 20, 8:30 p.m. · SouthSide Works  He's My Girl Pittsburgh Premiere · Director: Jean-Jaques Zilbermann2009, France, 35mm, 90 minutes, French with subtitles“He's My Girl” is a delightful romp about Simon, a talented klezmer musician.He falls for Naim, an Arab transsexual, but can't bring […]

Ellen DeGeneres and the Founding Fathers

Craig Galik of Duquesne is not pleased.  Apparently, when he tunes in to the Ellen DeGeneres show, he doesn't expect to see any lesbian claptrap. Imagine his horror when Ellen spoke about her plans to marry partner, Portia De Rossi.  On television.  In front of viewers.  Gay stuff.  Either Craig is the only person on […]

GLCC merger with Celebrate the Night: Where does this leave transwomen?

In the most recent GLCC newsletter, the organization announced that Celebrate the Night has become an official committee of the organization.  Celebrate the Night is a variety show that benefits the GLCC. As you may recall, CTN generated a firestorm last year by refusing to audition a transwoman and pronouncing that she was not woman […]

As the World Gayly Turns — PG feature

Hey everybody!  Something involving a c-file got all screwed up and our blog has been down for a few days.  However, thanks to my trusty bloghost Geoff at Radio Left, things are shipshape again. Today's Post-Gazette included an AP story on the current gay storyline on soap opera, As The World Turns, featuring a young gay […]

WTAE defends transinclusive coverage

In this week's City Paper, WTAE defends their coverage of a story involving the river rescue of a woman who happened to be trans.  They, along with just about every other local media outlet, were taken to task by local activists and allies for making the gender identity of the individual being rescued the story in lieu […]