Riveting Rosies Rock

UPDATE:  See You Tube link at the end … ****************************************************** Here's one suggestion for a perfect summer evening:  spend a few balmy hours out on the patio of a local coffeehouse in the company of friends (and your lover) while you listen to some of Pittsburgh's talented chica singer-songwriters, collectively known as the Riveting Rosies. […]

Non-Live Blogging: Luke really knows how to throw a party

This afternoon, I thought it might be interesting to live blog an event that the Mayor actually attends. Something critical and groundbreaking, perhaps even newsworthy.  Like, say perhaps, a “garden” party to celebrate his single-handed reclamation of a porn palace for the good citizens of Pittsburgh.  <insert applause> So off we toddled to West Park […]

City Paper on PrideFest or not

The CP sent Jared Trent Stonesifer to cover Pride.  In this article, he discussed the evening block party (Pride in the Streets), the Awareness March, the Pride Theatrer Festival and the Warhol exhibit on queer black life in the 30's and 40's.  Notice anything missing? Yep, he forgot to cover the actual festival (PrideFest).  The […]

We’re headed for PrideFest this weekend (and FLUX, too)

PrideFest.  Our annual celebration of our community pride.  Saturday, June 16, 2007.  Riverfront Park on the North Shore.  The march kicks off at 12 PM.  The festival itself begins at 1 PM.  We like to watch the march at the beginning (5th and Ross) and then hop in the car to drive down to the North […]

Purse Totin’ Tinky Winky Gay – Again?

Oh those wacky Polish children's rights watchers …. always a day behind and a dollar short.  Remeber back in 1999 when Jerry Falwell deemed Teletubbie Tinky Winky a homo because he carried a purse (TW is the purple one)?  Now Ewa Sowinski is on the same bandwagon.  Well, she way until apparently someone reminder her […]

Gay man with local roots named associate helm of Three Rivers Arts Festival

From today's Post-Gazette, I learned that the Three Rivers Arts Festival has recruited a talented young gay man as the associated director.  His name is Chris Taylor, he's from Penn Hills and he describes himself as “single and looking for a domestic partner.”  Love that. Taylor recently earned an M.A. in administration and policy from […]

Kennywood De-Gays Pirate Show, Pleads For Homos to Stop Calling

Queers 1, Kennywood 0.  As we reported last week, Kennywood, the bastion of local family fun, was producing a pirate themed show that featured homophobic content … lispy voice, gay kissing panic, you know the drill.  In response to a complaint, Kennywood General Manager Jerome Gibis said he didn't find the content offensive and wasn't going […]

The Trib on Pittsburgh Lesbian Scene – Huh?

OK, this just strikes me as weird.  The Tribune-Review sent a reporter to OUTrageous Bingo to do a story on the lack of a lesbian scene in Pittsburgh.  “Lesbian scene” should always be read as “no lesbians bars,” but we'll get to that in a moment. OUTrageous Bingo is a mixed event – gay men, […]

Kennywood Unfurls Homophobic Gay Pirate Show

An email message has been circulating the Internet for the past 24 hours, claiming that the newest entertainment at Kennywood has homophobic content and asking the community complain about it.  I've been unsuccessful in contacting the individual, an employee of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, but have received several copies of the message from credible […]

Funny Man

New York based comedian Victor Varnado is hysterical.  Check out this Village Voice article to see for yourselves.  He occasionally rolls into town courtesy of local comedian Gab Bonesso.  ****************************************************** Disclosure and update:  Ledcat told me I wasn't being completely honest about this post.  We saw Victor a few weeks ago when he came to […]