Buffy Sing-A-Long This Friday — How Very Gay!

PrideFest 2007 Entertainment Lineup Announced

Well, I got one out of seven right.  LOL.  Sarah Claire will be part of the 2007 PrideFest Entertainment lineup.  Another local fav that I forgot to put in my list is Tracy Drach.  Here's the rest of the lineup and it looks rather interesting … a little reggae/ska, a little folk music and a […]

Dennis Miller Listeners — Smart AND Sassy?

My favorite headline of recent days … Dennis Miller leads a pack of hosts pining for a fan base that's young, smart, sassy and male Not sure how many yinzers want to be chalked up as sassy males, but you never know.  I've been wrong about these things before.  Has anyone listened to the Zone?  […]

My Wish List for PrideFest Entertainment 2007

 Pittsburgh is fortunate to have a talented pool of queer and queer-friendly performance artists, some of whom I have met over the past year.  They include singer-songwriters, spoken word artists, comedians, poets, rappers, puppeteers, and so forth.  PrideFest is the annual community celebration of all things queer (or gay) and includes a chunk of stage […]

Meliss and Tammy at the Oscars

Ellen was funny. Too bad we had to sit through 750 tribute and homage videos, not to mention a sound effects choir.  B-O-R-I-N-G.  I would rather listen to all the flaming fashion critics screech their way through the entire red carpet line, including the men, than sit through that again.  Word of advice — let […]

Pittsburgh music you won’t want to miss

Its a brrrrryyyy cold week here in da 'burgh.  Being firmly ensconced on the couch with some illness of indeterminate origin, I don't have much in the way of excitement or cool tidings to share with you.  My supervisor actually sent me home from work.  It was just like elementary school without the call for […]

Howard Dean Loves the Homos and the 700 Club

DNC Chairman Howard Dean was in town this weekend to address the annual convention of the National Stonewall Democrats aka “gay Democrats.”  Dean told the assembled faithful that Stonewall has made the party “stronger, more inclusive, more courageous, more tenacious.” (PG) Mr. Dean said DNC operatives had been instructed to work with the gay community […]

Steel Queer N’At: Correspondents Weigh In

Last night, we toddled off to The Eagle to catch Steel Queer N'At, a quarterly performance of Pittsburgh queer talent put together by a local eclectic queer art collective.  For months, we've talked about going to the monthly K'vetch performances (third Thursdays at Modern Formations in Garfield), but something always came up. So this was […]

Up To Bat – Tony Norman

I woke up with one of those sinus headaches slightly reminiscent of a hangover without the fun memories.  Another crappy Friday to muddle through. I'm scrolling through the online edition of the Post-Gazette and I stumble into the return of my all-time favorite columnist – Mr. Tony Norman.  PLUS, he even makes a gay joke about […]

Political Junkie Calls Out Mike Pintek as Homophobe

HOMO? One of Pittsburgh's most creative political bloggers put up a nugget this morning about former KDKA talk radio personality Mike Pintek using the word “homo” while hosting a program on PCNC.  Pintek was discussing the use of South Park restrooms for sexual encounters among gay men.  According to Maria: Mike Pintek was the host […]