Update on the Lives and Deaths of Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

The story of Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson resonates through recent events even though they’ve been dead for more than ten months. Britney and Crystal were 24-year-old queer women of color from Houston. Their bodies were left near a dumpster, Crystal died of a gunshot wound and Britney due to severe head trauma. They were […]

A Thank You Note To Share from Persad Center

Rainbow Thank You Note

A lovely follow-up to a post I wrote earlier this week. One of the gentlemen from Persad’s SAGE program sent along this thank-you note (written at 4 AM on Boxing Day) in response to your generosity: Hi;I wish to thank you again for the lunch and the company. But I REALLY was floored by the […]

Pgh Reaches OUT to LGBTQ Elders For The Holidays

Cards for Persad Center

Funny how social media conversations can lead you down unexpected paths. I had recently posted about the creative name variants people use when they send holiday cards to our family (we are an unmarried lesbian couple who have been together for 12+ years.) – this is a pet peeve! A few people asked if they […]

Merry Christmas: My Dog Beat Cancer

Today, Xander wagged his tail for the first time since surgery. A full butt-wiggling wagging, not just a tepid little twitch. He’s not permitted to bound into the yard until his stitches are removed, but he’s got some bounding energy in that tail wag. I took a call from an unfamiliar number without thinking about […]

Canine Convalescence Day One In Which All the Other Pets Make Me Crazy

Cone of Shame

  Xander came through his surgery like a champ. We picked him up around 7 PM. Well, technically the vet staff half-carried him to the car where he drunkenly sank into the back seat and sighed with what I hope was contentment when I petted him. The vet told me that everything went smoothly. They […]

Update On My Pgh Holiday Things To Do


In early November, I published a list of holiday things that I’d like to do this year. My plans were unexpectedly derailed when I learned that my 13 year-old dog has cancer. In fact, just today he had surgery to remove the growth and will spend the next two weeks recuperating. So my holiday things-to-do […]

UPDATED Help LGBTQ Seniors in Pgh During the Holidays With a Holiday Card

Send a Card to A Senior Citizen

An off-hand comment on Facebook brought to light a true need in our community – LGBTQ elders who are alone during the holidays. Kathi Boyle, coordinator of older adult services for the Persad Center, is part of a national group called SAGE, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders has asked me to share that there […]

Here’s a Video of Our Door

Most Wanted Fine Art Contracting

I can’t think of anything to blog about today. My mind is reeling between topics including the #BlackLivesMatter protests and the disclosure about Rolling Stone’s botched story on sexual assault. I’m also coping with some minor home renovations and – toughest of all – the looming surgery my 13 year old dog will have on […]

LGBTQ Holiday Shopping in Pittsburgh

Gay Christmas

A few suggestions for your holiday shopping planning. Support local non-profits and community groups is a terrific gift idea. In almost all cases, you can make a donation in the name of your loved one, but some local groups have some unique gift opportunities for you to consider. Note – these are LGBTQ organizations. If […]

Leftover Pet Photos

Pet Portrait

Sometimes the best part of a pet group portrait is the various blooper shots. My crew never lets me down when it comes to looking the other direction or sticking out their tongues.