UPDATED Decision Day PA: What Happens After The Marriage Equality Ruling(s)

marriage equality PA

Marriage equality has come to Pennsylvania after a decision was handed down today. A stay was not issued, but we encourage you to read this FAQ by the ACLU of Pennsylvania for more information. More details coming after tonight’s Decision Day Rally.   Congratulations to Oregon! From Freedom to Marry: Eighteen states – CA, CT, […]

Love at First Sight

So, tomorrow is Ledcat’s birthday – she’ll be 51! We are celebrating with massages, facials and cake (of course.) This is also another birthday – my sweet cousin Theresa shared a birthday with Ledcat. She would have been 49 tomorrow, but she unexpectedly died four years ago. My phone just sent me a birthday reminder […]

I’m Not Going To Thank You

Pittsburgh Snow Lesbians

In your imaginary award acceptance speech (yes, we know you have one), who’s the very last — and most important — person you thank? The absolute most boring part of any awards show or event is when someone spits out a laundry list of people to thank. It is one thing to thank your family […]

Ice Cream Sunday

Klavon's Ice Cream

What’s your biggest junk food weakness? Tell us all about it in its sugary, salty, glory. When Laura and I first began to date (in 2003), we discovered a mutual fondness for ice cream and for the activity of visiting an ice cream spot – there are dozens in Pittsburgh. I grew up going to […]

Saying Farewell to a Furry Member of The Family: RIP Natasha

Pittsburgh cat

This past weekend, Laura and I had the sad task of putting our 17-year-old cat Natasha to rest. It was a decision we made together and knew was for the best, but it was still sad. 17 is a long life for a cat and for the great majority of it, Natasha had a healthy […]

The Aunts Come Bearing Mr. Bacon and Monsieur Tofu

Pittsburgh Lesbian

After a long day at work or school, what are your favorite ways to wind down and decompress? This photo is from July 2012.   This is my nephew EM (his parents prefer not to use his name online) who was about 9 months in this photo I think. He and I hung out in […]

Bye Bye Polar Vortex

Pittsburgh Summer

Theoretically, summer will return to the polar-vortex-battered Northern Hemisphere. What are you looking forward to doing this summer? I am looking forward to going swimming in the Pittsburgh CitiPools. By swimming I mean, moving around in the water with Ledcat as we discuss world issues. I like to tread water for exercise, but we don’t […]

The View From the Back Window


Look out your back window or door — describe what you see, as if you were trying to convey the scene to someone from another country or planet. Our backyard gives off the vibe of spring wrestling with old man winter to control the scenery. There’s enough green grass (weeds) to give the illusion that […]

Tuesday Cuteness

Dog Pittsburgh

This weekend, we took the boys to the vet. They had to wait in the car because they are grumpy in the waiting room. We waited a very long time (20 minutes.)   Sadly, this trip involved two blood draws for each dog (sigh!) and shots and a nail trim so everyone was REALLY grumpy […]

Bullies and The Steeler Nation
