One Shade of Grey

Do you share any physical resemblance or personality trait with one of your female ancestors? Who? What is it? Ah, interesting question because I look exactly like my Dad. But I do have my mother’s premature grey hair. All of the women in her family live with this affliction. I never saw my mother with […]

Throwback Thursday – I Was a Cheerleader in 1982 #tbt

But … I was a cheerleader? Seriously, I was – for one season of midget football (uggghhhh) in 1982. My brother played and for some reason, my parents decided it would be a good thing for me to do. I did not want to, but I also secretly hoped it would transform my life. I […]

Life is Hard

 Benjamin Franklin said: “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” Do you think you know yourself well? Well, technically Benjamin Franklin wrote this in 1750 book Poor Richard’s Almanac. I just completed an intake process for new mental health providers yesterday and one thing that struck me was how […]

Happy Birthday to My Little Brother at Age 42

A quick birthday wish to my little brother who is both far taller than me and not so young any longer. I haven’t seen him in awhile, but I’m sure he’s still pretty tall. This is one of the few photos I have from our childhood. The little stain is on the photo, not him […]

No News Here

Newsmakers? Did you have a female ancestor who made the news? Why? Was she famous or notorious? Did she appear in the social column? I’ve been in the news quite a bit, usually because I’m being mouthy about some issue or cause or something – like helping poor people or fighting discrimination. And yeah there […]

The Best Friend I Ever Had

Tell us the origin story of your best friend. This is a sad story so it took me awhile to write it today. I met John in the spring of 1985. His mother purchased the house next to my parents and I saw him in the driveway one day unloading his car – he was […]

Two Lesbians Found Dead in Galveston Texas

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

We are aware of the breaking news from Galveston, Texas of the deaths of 24 year old Britney Crosby and her girlfriend Crystal Jackson also 24, both from Houston. We hope to have more details soon. The bodies of two Houston women, a lesbian couple, were discovered near a dumpster in Galveston County, Texas. Crystal […]

WHM and Recipes – Jean’s Pudding

Date Nut Pudding Handwritten Recipe

Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family. I haven’t made this in several years and it isn’t a dish of which I am particularly fond, […]

Lesbian Traditions

Klavon's Ice Cream

What are your favorite traditions, large and small? What is it about your traditions that keep them going strong for you? One of my favorite summertime Ledcat & Sue traditions was “Ice Cream Sunday” – after dinner, we would head over to Klavon’s Ice Cream in the Strip District. Sometimes we would invite friends to […]

When I First Saw Your Face

Kerr wedding

The prompt – describe how my grandparents/parents met. My maternal grandparents (Jim and Val) allegedly met at a radio station in Butler County. She was working as a receptionist or clerk or something and he was a salesman. I think they eloped soon after and he ended up working in the mill in Homestead (but […]