The Lingering Impact of Slouchy Boots Trends of the 80’s

 A little bit of swashbuckling bravado boots might be just what we need to keep up the fight Laird Borelli, Vogue In my middle school days, fashion trends were aplenty. Most of us kids of steelworkers did not have plenty to spend on them. We settled for knockoffs in a time long before TJ Marshalls and […]

How to Request Toys For Tots in Western Pennsylvania 2024

Toys for Tots Pennsylvania

This is our annual (13 years) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2023. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to double check the details. I will update as information becomes available. […]

I Love Big Birthdays and I Will Not Lie

Happy Birthday cards

October is my birthday month -Yay! Last year, my birthday  (53) was the first ‘occasion’ while I was homeless and couch surfing with friends. They were lovely. Cooked me a meal I chose, made me a cake from scratch. But I fled the table, overwhelmed by sadness and a tidal wave of all that I […]

I Don’t Know How My Mother Did It

I don’t know how my mother did it. Her entire life, she relied on other people for rides. When she was younger. she was an avid public transit user, zipping from Bethel Park around the region on trolley and bus. Once she had kids and moved to West Mifflin, things got trickier. The bus was […]

Disability Pride Month: The Stories I Can’t Explain

Here’s how disability pride works. I’ve been home now for over four months. That’s a significant accomplishment, one many people doubted I could manage. I think a lot of people expected me to just roll over and give up, to build something new instead of returning to claim my life of 20 years. But this […]

But I want you to know, after all these years … honoring my 21st anniversary

The world of queer relationships and queer anniversaries is complicated by the states decades of oppression of our rights to simply create a family with the person we love. For those who came of age after 2015, it may not make much sense. The queer anniversary is a complicated dynamic. We have a lot of […]

Last Night, I Dreamed About My Mother’s New Memories

Kerry and Susan Pryor circa 1945 in Munhall, Pennsylvania

Last night, I met my mother in my dreams. She was living in a shabby chic bungalow with bright decorations and her beloved drapes gracing every window. Just as I arrived I saw her mother – my grandmother – pull out of the driveway in a practical blue sedan. I waved, but unsure if she […]

Kick the Can: The Loneliness of Generation X Childhood

Generation X childhood

I enjoy the Generation X content across most platforms. It is funny, insightful, and nuanced. I was born in October 1970, so I am right in that solid Gen X era. The 70s were my childhood, the 80s my adolescence. Yes, I often drank water from a hose. Yes, my brother and I were left […]

Father’s Day regrets about my Dad’s obituary

My father died in February of this year. I was unable to provide him a traditional rite of passage – an obituary in our local daily paper. I clung to that void with a firm grip, turning it over in my mind to determine why it troubled me. Sadness that he was denied that final […]

The folx who showed up are the people I choose #LGBTQFamiliesDay

This is my 15th year participating in #LGBTQFamiliesDay Monday, June 3, 2024, is the 19th Annual LGBTQ Families Day, a time to celebrate the many families with LGBTQ people in them who live in every state and almost every county of the U.S. The event aims to raise awareness of the diversity, joys, and challenges […]