The Year Without a Birthday Card

Tomorrow, I’ll celebrate my birthday – I’m turning 53. No Birthday Cards This Year It dawned on me yesterday that I had not received a birthday card. Then it sunk in that the people who sent me cards each year have opted out of my life this year – my wife, her mother, and a […]

How to Request Toys For Tots in Western Pennsylvania 2023

Toys for Tots Pennsylvania

This is our annual (12 years) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2023. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to double check the details. I will update as information becomes available. […]

What Is The Key to Getting Myself Home Again?

After five weeks have passed, I’m thinking a little more down the road including finding the key to go back home. So many of my rights and liberties were taken from me or violated that I am determined to lean into every right I can, cling tightly, and keep my eyes wide open for other […]

You Can Support Both People Without Taking Sides

support both sides

You can choose to support both of us. I realize it seems like ‘taking sides’ or ‘picking a team’ when couple friends are in conflict. But that’s not the case. Loving and supporting both of us as individuals does not have to be a source of conflict for you. Setting boundaries is important, but that […]

And Then You Came For Me With Help and Support and Love

Sue Kerr crowdfund

Content Note: mental health, childhood abuse, police encounter, 302 or civil commitment, anti-trans actions, support Thank you for showing up for me during a really tough time. How Your Support is Keeping Me Safe With your help, I was able to pay the retainer for a great lawyer who has been helpful, kind, and pragmatic. […]

Why I Don’t Regret Giving Away My Barbie Dolls

Barbie Dreamhouse

After seeing the most excellent Barbie movie this weekend with my wife, I’ve been thinking about my childhood relationship with the titular character. As people are in a frenzy to buy Barbie everything and debate the ‘vintage’ factor of their own childhood memories, I have one that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world […]

20 Years as a Lesbian Couple

Yesterday, we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Like many couples our age, we celebrate the day of our ‘coupling’ and the date of our wedding. In wedding years, we are on year two. Our day was low-key. I picked up groceries, Laura cooked dinner. I didn’t feel well so we kept it simple and I laid […]

Prom 1988: Did I Have the Time of My Life?

I had a very nice prom experience 25 years ago. My BFF John was my date. He was four years older than me so that was cool. He loved to dance so that was cool. He cut a dashing figure in his tuxedo so that was cool. And he was an out gay man so […]

The Niblings Call It Quits on #LGBTQFamiliesDay 2023

For as long as I’ve had this blog, I’ve written about my niblings – a gender neutral term to describe the children of our siblings, often referenced as nieces and nephews. We have six, ranging in age from 11 to 17. Two live in Philadelphia, four here in Pittsburgh. A few months ago, the youngest […]

The Easter My Dad Went Fishing Without Us

Easter brings to mind a lot of bullet point memories In 1983, things were bleak financially. I was 12 years old and in 7th grade. So, of course, my Dad decided to join my cousins on a spring fishing trip to the Outer Banks over Easter. They weren’t high end, but it was still money […]