I Knew Elisa Rae Shupe (1963-2025) and She Deserved Better

Jamie Shupe Pittsburgh

I met Elisa Rae Shupe, known then as Jamie, here in Pittsburgh. She had moved here with her wife for trans affirming health care. We met through the local LGBTQ Community Center when I was seeking donations from veterans groups to support trans and queer youth. Note: while Elisa is well known for winning a […]

Being underestimated might be my superpower

I am not supposed to talk about any of my lawsuits (all civil matters) so I want to talk about my life, my day to day life as a person with multiple civil lawsuits she can’t discuss. And multiple disabilities. After six months of homelessness (couch surfing), I returned to my home of 20 years […]

Here’s How Day 12 of Pneumonia Feels

I’ve been feeling better each day if I don’t push myself too much. Yesterday, I pushed so today I feel awful. Not as awful as last Friday. But in bed for a nap at 2 PM, struggle to complete chores, struggle to complete paperwork awful. My coughing is minimal thanks to meds. My chest still […]

“Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power.” Sociologist Jennifer Walter’s Advice, resistance

This quote has been moving around social media tonight, guidance from sociologist Jennifer Walter. It took me awhile to track down the source. This part really resonates with me: 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. Regain your power, my […]

How to Silence a Blogger Using Pneumonia

I’ve got pneumonia. I’ve been horribly sick for six days. In bed, sleep all day, disorienting sick. A friend took me to doctor Friday. Now I’m back in bed with shiny new meds. Is God taking away my breath to silence me? Breathing has occupied far more time than usual this week. How I sleep […]

The Heaviness of Being Dependent on Other People

cold snowy day

I’ve been emotionally struggling recently, a combination of post-holiday ennui with a reflection on my current situation. Also, I miss my nephews. One reality I cannot avoid is that I am not self-sufficient. I haven’t had to think about myself as unit of independent sufficiency for 20+ years. Now I’m caught in the fallout of […]

This Year, I Was Home for Christmas

Vintage radio

In case you were wondering, my solo Christmas was actually fine. I had Xmas eve dinner with friends. Then I came home and settled in. I had a sweet roll for breakfast, then heated up my chicken dinner around 2. In between, I watched ‘Call the Midwife’ most of the day. I did take a […]

Talking about being programmed hasn’t destroyed me either

Content Notes: sexual abuse, enablers, stigma I published an intense post earlier this week. It was planned with care. I wanted to make specific points about the impact of grooming and programming, not vomit my entire story. It is unclear if I’ll ever do that. Yep, it is that bad. I worked with my therapist […]

Being programmed as a child didn’t quite destroy me

Sue Kerr as a child

CN: grooming, sexual violence, family secrets, cults, programmed,mental health, trauma As a child, I was programmed (or groomed) by my paternal grandmonster. He was a serial predator whose violent behavior was protected by the family. It is a horrific multi-generational story, one I am determined to expose to the light of day in order to […]

This is How I Endured a Dark and Twisty Week

Content Note: mental health, bureaucracy, aging, suicide, shed building Last week. A dark and twisty series of days, events, and revelations. It was pretty rough. First … First, there’s my struggle to find a good therapist who accepts Medicare. Or will. I have private insurance now through my spouse, but I also have a Medicare […]