One Year Anniversary of Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT

Today marks one year since Lyndsey Sickler and I spoke the Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT into existence. Dramatic, perhaps. But this year has taught me that it is up to us to save ourselves. We are the calvary. Mainstream institutions haven’t shown up or acknowledged the realities of our lives during the pandemic, especially media outlets […]

COVID-19 Vaccine #2 Side Effects Have Sidelined Me

Got Moderna shot #2 on Tuesday. Wednesday was rough, but not awful. Thursday much worse. Friday feels awful already. I know this is not a prelude to actual illness so I will just ride it out. I have no energy to explain details, but I wanted you to know why I’m dropping balls. I haven’t […]

Day One, Year Two: My Obligatory Anniversary Covid-19 Anniversary Post

Covid-19 Anniversary

On this day in 2020, Laura worked her final full day at her office with the City of Pittsburgh, came home and began to set up her home workspace in our kitchen. She’s in that workspace right now, working. This is what we consider our demarcation of the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. This is day 1, […]

A Mental Health Milestone For Me

This is more of a post for me than you, dear reader, but you can read along. Today, I had a teletherapy session and we did some EMDR targeting a difficult closing to my work with the Catholic Church in the 1990’s. It was difficult because they were just awful and terrible and immoral to […]

Of Pandemic Anniversaries: Part One

While I expected the “anniversary” of the pandemic would be sobering, I did not anticipate the emotional wall I would collide with this month. For the most part, we have had a relatively fortunate time during this horror. Our income didn’t change, we could work from home, we had lots of streaming services, access to […]

Both of my parents have COVID-19

Last week, my brother contacted me to let me know. He had authorized requesting hospice for them. They live in an assisted living facility here in Pittsburgh. They have a myriad of underlying conditions, ravages of lives hard lived and filled with tragedies. Of course, they end up both contracting an international pandemic causing virus. […]

Of Coronavirus and Cats

Sue and Laura in Face Masks

This week, it feels like the coronavirus has begun to circle my personal space in an ominous manner that gives me pause. Never mind that I’ve been working on the face mask distribution project since April and paying close attention to lots of tangents of this pandemic. I’m still susceptible to the fear and trepidation […]

Pennsylvania’s Transgender Community Responds to Dr. Rachel Levine’s Pick for the Biden Administration


“Thank you, Dr. Levine.”   When I first heard about that President-elect Biden has selected PA Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine to be  assistant secretary of health, I smiled. She’s been the embodiment of leadership throughout the pandemic in Pennsylvania and has many pre-pandemic accomplishments. She’s maintained dignity, calm, and adherence to science while navigating […]

The Blog Post About Dr. Rachel Levine’s Appointment to the Biden Administration

Of course I know about this. Yes, I have thoughts and feelings. But I spent today asking my trans, GNC, and ENBY neighbors what they think, how they feel. So while every blog post I’ve written even an allusion to Dr. Levine is available for you to read, tomorrow I’m going to publish what they […]

Within this COVID-19 pandemic, some of us still get regular old sick. 

Sick during a pandemic

Within this COVID-19 pandemic, some of us still get regular old sick. I’ve had perpetual sinus issues for months, but three specific acute type bouts. That’s when the pressure is actually hurting my face, the headaches are terrible, and I feel exhausted. During the third bout, my doctor thought maybe I was enduring a bacterial […]