A fitting way to wrap up 2020

Swell way to end 2020 – my doctor asked me to quarantine and get a COVID-19 test. I’m sick like sinus infection sick, but I have a few concerning symptoms. But I’m not wiped out sick. The irritating bit is that the testing centers are closed for the holidays as is my pharmacy. So I […]

Day 290 otherwise known as Christmas Day

Today was generally a nice day – pleasant, sweet, comforting really. To be honest, it has left me unnerved and apprehensive, as if this one lovely day is a parting gift before disaster strikes. The last time I felt this was during multiple trips to Eat’n Park in early January through mid-March. I had this […]

On Day 288 there were scary ghost stories, but not so much wonderful times

I’m going to strive to better document the banality of our pandemic life, including the existential dread seeping between the day to day moments.Today, Ledcat is on vacation so we started the day reading on the sofa together. There’s no “daily” paper published today so she read the pdf version on her tablet. I scrolled […]

Facemask Q&A with Dan Rugh of CommonWealth Press

Dan Rugh headshot

maybe im a bad businessperson but not everything needs to say something.  Wearing a mask says something in itself. ~ Dan Rugh, CommonWealth Press

Facemask Q&A with Fran Dunaway of TomboyX

TomboyX Covid

We want every one of our customers to feel safe, valued, and heard every time they shop with us. Being able to provide them access to our inclusive products in a safe manner – no matter size, gender, ability, or location – is an honor. One important part of the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is highlighting safe and […]

Do pheromones draw people with mood disorders together?

Bipolar friendships

As a person with a mood disorber (Bipolar I), I find that I am drawn to or attract other people with similar conditions. It is almost like a pheromone that creates a sense of connection, an intuitive sense that this is a person with whom I have something in common. Typically, that manifests in a […]

Distributing Face Masks in Gay Bars – How the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is Ahead of the CDC Recommended Curve

Distributing face masks in gay bars

Spoiler: The Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT has distributed more than 10,000 masks to trans and queer households since early April. Please help us keep doing good work by sharing this post. Sign up for masks http://bit.ly/FaceMaskRequest Our efforts to distribute face masks to the region’s trans and queer households has redoubled with the horrifying increase in […]

Facemask Q&A with Oneita Parker of The Proper Bunny

The Proper Bunny

Just if you are queer and / or suffer from mental illness you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of people like you struggling as well as succeeding everyday. No matter where you feel you are, you can always help someone else. Be safe, be kind and always be YOU. One important part […]

We Did It – We Raised $11,000 to Distribute Face Masks to Trans & Queer Folks Throughout 2021

(Type in original headline corrected – obviously I’m tired!) Holy smokes – we did it, yinz. Combining matches and a lot of pleading by me, we successfully raised $11,000 for the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT. These funds will be used through 2021 to cover our operational expenses. The funds will be administered by our fiscal sponsor, […]

Facemask Q&A with Alyah Baker of Show & Tell Concept Shop


Show & Tell was built, first and foremost, to meet the needs of BIPOC and Queer and Trans communities. As a member of both communities, I’ve experienced racism, profiling, and terrible customer service when trying to do simple things like buy food or clothes or get proper health care. For this reason, access and safety […]