Facemask Q&A with Dre Cortes and Lex Londino of Bows for Beaux Co.

Queer Masks

No matter where you procure your masks, please wear them properly and stay safe! One important part of the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is highlighting safe and affirming places for trans and queer folx to purchase masks. In addition to this Q&A series, we maintain a list on the project homepage. This Q&A was crafted to […]

Facebook Wouldn’t Let Me Post this Content About Face Masks for LGBTQ People in My High School Alumni or Similar Groups

Sue Kerr Amy Fiore Garrison

This was originally a FB post I tried to share in several West Mifflin Facebook groups because it involves two West Mifflin alumni (see below.) Facebook rejected it, no matter how much I edited it. This was not the fault of the moderators; they never saw it. Rather than beat my head against the Facebook […]

Facemask Q&A with Stoney Michelli of Stuzo Clothing

Stuzo Clothing Founder Stoney Michelli

We actually created [masks] in 2017 for fashion and function.  We were traveling to many cities and festivals for our pop ups and were susceptible to a lot.  We needed something that would protect from germs and dust.  It had to also include fashion being that half of our faces would be covered.  Over the […]

Ten Years Ago This Weekend, I Voluntarily Committed Myself to a Psychiatric Unit

Forbes Hospital Mental Health

Content Note: mental health, psychiatric hospital I’ve written extensively about my mental health. It has been a lifelong battle that I wasn’t even armed for until I was age 22. And now at age 50, I am uncovering new layers of my story and history that sometimes feel amazing and sometimes, so very sad. In […]

Today, There are 366 New Reasons to Invest in the Pgh MasQUe ProjecT

where to find face masks

Today, Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Department of Health reported 366 new cases. These individuals range in age from 3 months to 96 months with a median age of 35 years. The State reports five new deaths in Allegheny County. One of those people was in their 20s. Since March 14, there have been 18,339 cases of […]

Facemask Q&A with Shapeshifters Eli Coughlin-Galbraith

Where to buy face masks?

First, let me (Sue) apologize to our readers. One question I submitted to Eli used gendered language that is inaccurate. Eli addressed the issue in their response. I did apologize privately, but want to hold myself accountable. It was a careless error caused by sloppy proofreading, but I realize that the impact could be very […]

Will It Be A ‘Long Winter’? Day 240

Fans of Little House on the Prairie books should get my reference – one entire book describes how the Ingalls family and neighbors endured from October 1880-May 1881. The book exaggerates a few facts, but is generally considered an accurate representation of the suffering and hardships endured by residents throughout the Great Plains. That book […]

Facemask Q&A with Goblin Girl Designs’ Lori Korchok

Goblin Girl Designs

It is not my place to decide who should wear what colors. Self expression is so important. It makes us unique, so who am I to say what colors are assigned to which genders? One important part of the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is highlighting safe and affirming places for trans and queer folx to purchase […]

Do You Have a Thanksgiving Plan?

Coronavirus is roaring back. Last week, the US averaged 53,000 new infections per day. This week, that’s up to 59,000. According to the New York Times, experts forecast hitting 75,687 new infections per day in the near future. That’s the highest rate in the US from back in July. It could go higher in the […]

On Day 225, I Feel Weary

It has been awhile since I touched base about my mental health. Overall, I’ve been steadily getting more stable since my bout of symptoms in the summer. I still have the residual effects of lithium poisoning, including unexpected twitches of my arms and legs. My p doc lowered my dose and reintroduced another mood stabilizer […]