Facemask Q&A with HauteButch Founder & Designer Karen Roberts

Karen Haute Butch

The fear, oppression, and sheer frustration that comes along with having a fierce sense of style and living in a society stuck in out-dated mindsets where women should embrace feminine “appropriateness” is what keeps HauteButch thriving even on our darkest days. One important part of the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is highlighting safe and affirming places […]

From 60 Minutes: Doctors say they would prefer people wear masks to holding out hope for a vaccine

Sunday evening, 60 Minutes took a deep dive into the COVID-19 vaccine research. It was interesting, but what caught my eye was a question Scott Pelley posed to one of the researchers on camera and others off-camers:  “Would you rather have a mask or a vaccine?” The answer: mask. Masks save lives now. Pelley goes […]

Help Get Facemasks to Trans and Queer Households

The Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT still needs your help. We connect the trans and queer community with face masks throughout Western Pennsylvania. This includes maintaining a vendor list and direct distribution on a monthly basis thanks to generous donors. Why do trans and queer households need a dedicated facemask project? Discrimination. I suggest you read this […]

The (dis)comforts of turning 50

Comfort comes from feeling engaged and accepted by others. As I approach my 50th birthday, I naturally have been reflecting on well my 50 years of life. This past year has been a doozy, My 19 year old cat Simon died a few days after my 49th birthday. I had to end my relationship with […]

Day 207

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

I tested negative for COVID-19 leaving me to cope with sinus and ear infections. I don’t feel well, but all I can do is ride it out. My mood is very low as well. The President and First Lady have tested positive. That’s huge news. Every angle is being scrutinized, from how the news broke […]

On Day 204, I Got Two COVID-19 Tests

I’ve mentioned that I haven’t’ been feeling well. Using my amazing powers of self-diagnosis, I believe I have some sort of sinus infection/ear infection with some side symptoms like a sore throat and worsening congestion. Typical crud. When I contacted my PCP, I asked her if getting a COVID-19 test was advisable. That led me […]

On Day 202, I’m sick

I haven’t felt well all week, mostly gastro symptoms that I chalked up an unexpectedly spicy Thai food delivery. But I had a headache, too. Friday, we had to make deliveries of face masks to be packed for delivery, so a lot of running around. I was tired. We heated up leftovers for dinner and […]

On Day 199, I Made a post-Election Appointment

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today. We confirmed some previously discussed medication changes, nixing one and tweeking another. I have to titrate up every two weeks by 25 mg from 25 mg to eventually 200 mg. She asked to see me again at the halfway point and I was quiet when I realized […]

Q&A: Dr. Heather Johnson on How Our Feelings About Math Shape Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keeping distance from people on a day to day basis is new. I understand how long 6 feet is. It’s different from getting a feel for what keeping a 6 feet distance means. To keep our distance, we have to pay attention to people around us. It adds one more thing in a time when […]

My First Doll

Content Note: sexual violence, assault, intergenerational trauma, child abuse I still have my very first baby doll, a rag doll named Mary. She sleeps in a cradle that was originally a wooden planter. She lived on a relatives dresser for many years and I finally inherited her when that person moved. I’ve written before about […]