Bipolar hypomania during a pandemic

I’ve been hypomanic for nearly two weeks. My therapist knows, my psychiatrist knows, my partner knows. Most importantly of all, I know. I know why I feel this bad, I’m not in denial. I’m not enjoying the creative edge. I’m not resisting treatment. But I’m already in treatment and on medication. They may be able […]

A mother’s love

Content Note: sexual violence, mental illness, family violence I was born on October 22, 1970. By mid-July 1971, my mother was pregnant again with my brother. Somewhere during that time, she was hospitalized in a psychiatric unit. I was left with my paternal grandparents. By my third birthday, we were all reunited under the same […]

Pittsburgh Trans and Queer Face Mask Project Receives Donation of 3000 Masks

Lots of big news from the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT Donation of 1,000 masks from City of Pittsburgh Donation of 2,000 masks through Global Links Partnering with Pittsburgh Equality Center as our fiscal sponsor Partnering with Center for Creative Reuse as fabric sponsor Working with Garden of Peace, SisTers PGH, Shepherd Wellness Community, True T PGH […]

The #WarshYourHands Shirt and Soap and Snowflake Kits Are For Sale

Snowflakes wash their hands. Steel City Snowflakes WARSH our hands (n’at?) These cute kits contain one tee shirt printed by the snowflakes at Etna Print Circus, one bar of soap handcrafted by Dragonfly Lake Scents, and a digital Steel City Snowflake created by us. All for less than $26plus shipping. You can also do a […]

The Destructive Creativity of Hypomania

I am what some call bipolar. Bipolar is not a respectful way to describe my disorder or identity. I have bipolar disorder. I live with bipolar disorder. It is part of me, but shortening a diagnosis to a single word is not efficient or effective. It’s just lazy. Don’t describe anyone as ‘bipolar’ I was […]

Day 49

It is hard to continue living with uncertainty. I know there’s no return to normalcy, rather the creation of a new normal. How new it will be is puzzling. With regard to health, surely we will continue wearing face masks and practicing social distancing until there is a vaccine and widespread antibody testing. Just as […]

Be Part of Our Face Mask Reviews and Help Pgh Food Bank

We are going to need multiple masks to get through 2020. Two person aka one to wear, one to wash at a bare minimum. Anything might work in the short-term, but over the long haul – people need to make careful choices. How do you choose the right face mask for you? What material? Elastic […]

Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman Stands in Line for Groceries

Second Lady of Pennsylvania Gisele Barreto Fetterman shared this photo on Sunday morning. Her husband, Pennsylvania’s Lieutenant Goverenor, standing in the rain at a social distance with mask and gloves, waiting to shop for groceries in Pittsburgh. He’s waiting his turn. In the rain. Following the guidelines. Just like the rest of us. #LeadByExample

Video: First person view of Pittsburgh rally to reopen small business and support Trump

Lorenzo does outreach to people experiencing homelessness, neighbors who are incredibly overlooked right now. he’s been making excellent points that are not on our radar. Did you know street meals have been limited to 3 days a week? I’m appalled to realize I haven’t been thinking about this. Lorenzo went Downtown on Monday to continue […]

Day 32

KDKA kittens

It is clear from this series of diary posts that my ability to county is not on-point. We started our quarantine/self-isolating on March 17, 2020. That’s when Laura was told to work from home and when the City and County orders were in effect. So today is day 32. Our fifth week of hunkering down […]