Tips for Using Giant Eagle’s Grocery Delivery Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

Review of Giant Eagle Curbside Express

We routinely use the Curbside Express grocery delivery service. I see from my blog analytics that previous posts on this topic are spiking in popularity so I thought it was a good time to create an update tailored to people who might be trying the service for the first time. Note that your first delivery […]

OUTrageous Bingo Changes for Spring/Summer 2020 in response to Coronavirus

OUTrageous Bingo Coronavirus

I’ve reached out to several local LGBTQ organizations, requesting an update on how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Allies for Health + Wellbeing, Pittsburgh Center for Equality, Persad Center, PFLAG Pittsburgh, TransPride Pittsburgh, Proud Haven, OUTrageous Bingo, Shepherd Wellness Community, SisTers Pgh, and True T Pittsburgh. As I receive their responses, […]

Allies for Health + Wellbeing Statement on COVID-19

Allies for health + wellbeing pittsburgh

I’ve reached out to several local LGBTQ organizations, requesting an update on how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Pittsburgh Center for Equality, Persad Center, PFLAG Pittsburgh, TransPride Pittsburgh, Proud Haven, OUTrageous Bingo, Shepherd Wellness Community, SisTers Pgh, and True T Pittsburgh. As I receive their responses, I will publish. Some of […]

The Time a Lesbian Democrat Shamed Me for Being a Disabled Person With Cats

Kittens Instagram

A few days ago, a person whom I know only through social media and a few mutual friends decided to leave a comment on an Instagram post I had shared – a photo of some of our resident cats and foster kittens eating dinner together. Her comment was a disproportionate reaction to  few cat hashtags. […]

That Time When the Social Security Administration Took Away My Disability Benefits Without Telling Me Why: Part One

SSDI Benefits Stopped

A week ago Friday, I put the final touches on an essay for PublicSource and gave it my blessing to be published the following Monday. The topic was social security and I had a teeny twinge about triggering an unwarranted review by someone who sees all the words I create, but doesn’t read them enough […]

The Flu Strikes PghLesbian

Went to my PCP today. Wore a mask. Had a very large uncomfortable nasal swab. I have influenza. I am resting and pushing fluids. I feel like a truck ran over me. So blogging may be sporadic. Fortunately, I have soup, kittens, and Ledcat.

Q&A with Carolyn & Donny of Empath Sober Bar


We are here to redefine the “go-to” way of how we socialize and celebrate and to provide options for everyone. It is not about just the drinks but about the atmosphere, connection and community that we are looking to create. Your Names: Carolyn Hilliard and Donny Donovan Your Age: Carolyn (37) and Donny (29) Your […]

Behind the essay: How writing about SSDI took a toll on my mental health

Sue Kerr trauma

Content Note: trauma, neglect, disability, Social Security Administration, mental health On October 28, I sent a draft essay to PublicSource to inquire about their interest in the topic. The final version was published on February 10, 2020. That’s over 100 days. I share this because I want to emphasize how much energy and time goes […]

Minute by minute with anxiety

Content Note: anxiety, trauma I have this stubborn belief that I can somehow untangle the strands of my anxiety from the strands of my trauma responses, that there is a clear line of delineation I can find if I just keep trying to feel my way through the fibers wrapped tightly around my chest. My […]

Two Year Anniversary of My Hysterectomy

lesbian hysterectomy

It’s been two years since I had a hysterectomy and I still occasionally find a tampon or pad stuffed away in an old purse or the pocket of a rarely worn coat. I have donated most of my unused items, but the occasional surfacing of one that I overlooked always makes me pause. I spent […]