Anxiety Ruined My Chance To Meet Damon Young

Damon Young

It’s a beautiful sunny spring day here in Pittsburgh. Chilly, but I can get away with leggings and a light cardigan. I’m  sitting in the parking lot of my therapist’s office, listening to the oldies station and trying to soak up some sunshine – to feel some fragment of joy. I feel only misery. Yes, […]

Four Phases of My Mental Illness Journey (So Far)

CN: mental illness, mental health industry, child abuse, sexual violence, Catholic Church My mental illness journey has four significant chapters, beginning with my decision to seek help. I use the term “phase” rather than stage because it isn’t so much that they play out this way in most people’s lives as my being able to […]

A Hard Reset to Cope with Complex Trauma

Mental Health Awareness

I really appreciate my friend who sent me a GrubHub gift card in lieu of a casserole. That’s a classy move. So I’ve just returned home from therapy – it is a difficult bit for me right now so I’m going 2x week now and trying to figure out what has triggered me. I feel […]

Facing Complex Trauma as an Adult

Trauma Informed Care Persad Center

I’ve blogged in the past about my journey living with mental health diagnoses and trying to access resources for support. For many years, I’ve been dealing with the dual diagnoses of a major mood disorder and anxiety disorders. And I’ve referenced growing up in a neglectful family surrounded by addiction, untreated mental health issues, chaos, […]

Self-care moments

Today, I was supposed to set up my table at the Keystone Progress Summit with a colleague. They told me this AM that they have strep throat. Ugghh, that’s awful. I was planning to still go, but found myself dawdling. I didn’t feel too socially anxious, but something was holding me back mentally. I figured […]

Feeling Cozy

First I had a cold. Then Pittsburgh was very cold. Together, it adds up to my spending about three weeks mostly at home, eating a lot of soup. I can’t remember having such a terrible cold, just a cold but uggghhh. Feeling very grateful it didn’t migrate into bronchitis for which I credit the soup. […]

Just an old fashioned cold

I’m living these days with a good old fashioned nasty cold. The sort that doesn’t let you rest without aches or wheezing or existential grief. My pragmatic self had stocked up on soup, tissue, and generic nyquil. My better half trundled off to the store for ginger ale. I even managed a shower without hacking […]

One Year After My Hysterectomy

lesbian hysterectomy

When I think back to my surgery, a few random thoughts leap to mind. I remember thirst. My surgeon had allowed me to have Gatorade right up to the moment I went into the pre-surgery room. But there was a delay for the patient ahead of me (they ended up okay so no worries) that […]

When I’m Down and Feeling Blue … Ten Times I Blogged About How to Help

Those who follow me on social media or know me in real time are probably aware of some current big struggles I’m facing. It takes a toll. Today, two people I had believed were taking their own actions on these issues told me they have not done anything and keep asking me to identify how […]

Chronic Casual Ableism at My PCP

I saw my PCP last week because I have some chronic symptoms that aren’t connected to a cause – things like feeling nauseated, no appetite, restless sleep, constant need to pee. I presumed it was medical menopause. But as usual the doctors make it about my mental health, no matter the symptoms. I’m going to […]