Thanks to Twitter, I Fixed Allegheny Health Network. Twice.

lesbian hysterectomy

It is not a good week when you are comparing the poor customer service of both local grocery chain Giant Eagle and local healthcare giant, Allegheny Health Network. Note – if anyone chimes in with the word “Aldi’s” – you will be on my list. On Tuesday, I went to my PCP on Federal Street […]

Why I’m going to keep talking about menstruation, menopause, and more

lesbian hysterectomy

In a twist of irony that is just basically unfair, I find myself facing yet another round of the dreaded abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds. Last January, I had a complete hysterectomy – complete means they removed my uterus and my cervix, leaving the ovaries. I was just 47 at the time of surgery so not […]

It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out #HolidayWishes

It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out. I curated a Giving Guide, a Queer Shopping Guide, a LGBTQ Holiday Things To Do Guide, and took on advocating for four holiday projects. I’ve created ten+ Q&As with artists, publishing five to date. I’ve set up multiple product reviews, took on sponsorships of two local […]

11 Quotes from the #AMPLIFY LGBTQ Project in Honor of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health […]

In Honor of Chicken Noodle Soup

When we were kids and felt sick, my mother – like many parents – made us chicken noodle soup. She used the Lipton Noodle Soup packets which were basically bouillon and wee bits of noodle, added water and her own twist of extra egg noodles to create a giant concoction of basically noodles with some […]

My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice

In the spring, I was assigned to a new therapist who practices “trauma informed” therapy. It was time to work on some of the deep, dark stuff that I had been dancing around for years and began to really acknowledge just in the six months prior. I was still recovering from the hysterectomy and hadn’t […]

Pittsburgh Public School Board Votes Unanimously to Disaffiliate with Pittsburgh Marathon Over Chick-fil-A Sponsorship

Tonight, the entire School Board voted unanimously in favor of a resolution that disavows the sponsorship role of Chick-fil-A in the Pittsburgh Marathon. This means no Pittsburgh public school will officially participate in marathon activities or the Kids of Steel year round programming. No employee can participate in an official capacity. And no one will […]

Pittsburgh City Council Unanimously Calls for Pittsburgh Marathon to Remove Chick-fil-A Sponsorship

On Wednesday, October 17, all nine members of Pittsburgh’s City Council signed a request to the Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon organizers (P3R) requesting that they remove Chick-fil-A as a title sponsor. We, the undersigned, are writing to respectfully request that P3R remove Chick-Fil-A as the title sponsor of the 2019 Pittsburgh Kids Marathon. The […]

I recently learned that I am experiencing a trauma reaction, stemming from the complex trauma I experienced as a child and young adult. I knew the trauma happened, but I had a tendency to minimize it as something not as serious as depression or anxiety. The cumulative impact of the Grand Jury Repory on Sexual […]

How Some People Use Shame to Get Their Needs Met

Someone tried to shame me today. The circumstances don’t matter. It is my reaction that matters. And truth be told, I’m struggling. Because shaming is an effective tool that when dispatched with cunning and the intent to wound can be absolutely devastating. We see this playing out on a very public matter with the tactics […]