Hysterectomy Recovery Update Number Something

lesbian hysterectomy

This morning, Ledcat dragged me out of bed at some ungodly hour for my post-operative check up with my surgeon, Dr. Lee Hammons. The good news is that the news is good. My unexpected trip to the ER this Saturday produced a CT scan, bloodwork and more data for this visit. I’m healing. I don’t […]

Hysterectomy Update: Now knowing what to ask about our bodies is how we end up losing ground with our own bodies

lesbian hysterectomy

It has been 11 days since my surgery. Most of those days have been filled with resting, walking around the house, resting, making sure that I eat, and reminding myself not to pick up a cat or dog. Our weather has been horrible so taking an outside walk was not an option, especially since my […]

Here’s How My Hysterectomy Went

lesbian hysterectomy

Let me start by clarifying that my procedure was relatively smooth and I’m hitting all of the recovery benchmarks. That being said, what a day! We arrived at the hospital at 8:50 on the nose for my 10:50 surgery. They gave me something in my fluids and I was drifting in and out for a […]

Closed for Hysterectomy

I’m off for my surgery this week. I may blog during recovery or may not. Check in with me on Facebook if you like. I’ll be back on Twitter, too. I had to take a preoperative medication so I don’t really feel anxious right now. But send some healing energy or prayers or good wishes […]

How to Help a Lesbian Have a Hysterectomy 

lesbian hysterectomy

A lot of folks have been asking how to be helpful when I have surgery and recuperate. This is a one-stop response. By no means do I expect anyone to do these things, but it is my nature to try to be efficient with words. I know folks have been calling Ledcat to make arrangements. […]

My #365FeministSelfie 2018 Edition


I was browsing the website Shakesville tonight when I came across this post from Melissa McEwan announcing that she’s bringing herself back to the #365FeministSelfie project for 2018. I, too, had participated during 2014 as an act of resistance. My blog post about the project even earned me a subscription to Bitch Magazine (yay!) I […]

Getting ready for a hysterectomy on the ‘most miserable day of the year’

lesbian hysterectomy

Thanks to the folks at HysterSisters, I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do to prepare for the upcoming surgery. Note: that site is lovely, but very gendered and heteronormative. There are boards for LGBTQ folks, but just prepare yourself. I’ve prepared ahead of time Ledcat took off several days from […]

Bookending My Reproductive Justice With Margaret Atwood

In March 1994, I was rushed to the hospital and scheduled for surgery after months of excruciating uterine cramping. I underwent a laparoscopic procedure to remove endometrial growth from inside my abdominal cavity and also remove my appendix. I was hospitalized for three days, maybe four. I was a graduate student at LSU. I had […]

Am I Still Allowed To Talk About My Uterus?

lesbian hysterectomy

The hysterectomy. It is a go. After a lot of phone calls and delays, twists and turns, and tweets, it happened. I’m scheduled for January 10, 2018. That’s the first time I think I’ve typed 2018 on this blog. January 10, 2018 is the date that I will no longer have a uterus which suddenly […]

When Allegheny Health Network & Highmark Aren’t on Speaking Terms

lesbian hysterectomy

So I still have no date for my hysterectomy. My doctor, Lee Hammons, joined Allegheny Women’s Health in September 2017. They are part of the Allegheny Health Network (AHN) which is owned by Highmark. We have Highmark insurance. But Highmark has not yet approved Dr. Hammons to perform surgeries. At least, that’s what his office […]