Celebrating Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

There’s a grey area between social butterfly and hiding under the covers in your pajamas avoidance. When I bring up my social anxiety with casual friends, I get some interesting – if gentle – pushback. I certainly *do* a lot of things, especially with Ledcat. But I avoid many, many more things because they are […]

Send Me YOUR Stories of Disability Accommodation in Pittsburgh

  We often read about accommodations in the workplace and in housing. Rarely does the media delve into accommodations issues when it comes to “public accommodation” like at a movie theater or a restaurant especially when it comes to hidden disabilities. I’m trying to tell those stories.  Your stories. My stories. Eleven months ago, I […]

Allegheny County Email To Domestic Partners

Pennsylvania Equality

I’ve obtained a copy of the email the County apparently sent to 11 employees accessing domestic partner benefits on Tuesday June 24. I’ve noticed a few concerning issues The email uses this language “effective immediately” with no reference to July 31 or a cutoff date. Media reports added that clarification. Effective immediately is a little […]

Affordable Care Act Offers Options to Domestic Partners


According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Allegheny County notified employees about the discontinuation of domestic partner benefits via email. Eileen’s partner (a County employee accessing domestic partner benefits) did not receive this notification. I don’t know what the notice said or how it was worded, but I do hope one element was included – information on […]

Adventures in CSA: Chapter Three

Well, we ran into a wall and that wall was named “too busy to do much cooking or vegetable scrubbing.” Damn, these organic veggies last a long, long time. We are backed up to the point that all the crisper drawers are filled to the brim with green stuff and I’m ready to feel the […]

Enter to Win an OBVIOUS CHILD Prize Pack!

Obvious Child Pittsburgh

CLOSED TO NEW ENTRIES I have been reading terrific reviews about this movie – can’t wait to see it for myself.   Enter to Win an OBVIOUS CHILD Prize Pack! A24 presents OBVIOUS CHILD For aspiring comedian Donna Stern, everyday life as a female twenty-something provides ample material for her hysterical and relatable brand of […]

Pgh Mayor Peduto Records PSA to Promote HIV Testing

Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center (GLCC) unveiled a 30 second PSA featuring Mayor Bill Peduto discussing the importance of HIV testing. The Mayor came to the GLCC during regular testing hours to be tested ahead of the National HIV Testing Day on June 27, 2014. The GLCC offers weekly testing hours on Thursdays from 5-9 PM. […]

Unleashing Hope

Once upon a time my former therapist told me that if I started to talk about living with a mental illness on my blog (or publicly), I could never go back. She is also an activist of sorts and married to a politician so I knew she was speaking to me on several levels. She […]

Adventures in CSA: Chapter Two

So our first week trying to consume an entire share of produce from the Kretschman Farm CSA. That was quite a challenge. We were defeated, I must admit. I never made it to preparing the Swiss Chard. We dried the herbs and dove into leafy green salads – green leaf lettuce, spinach and more. And […]

Adventures in CSA: Chapter One

CSA share

This summer, Ledcat and I took the plunge and signed up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share through Kretschmann Farm. We get one delivery of fruits/veggies a week plus one chicken per month.  Today, Ledcat picked up our first delivery. How exciting. We had no real idea what to expect, but here’s what arrived:   […]